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Fall 2008 SYA710 Weekly Schedule

473 bytes added, 04:36, 16 September 2008
Week 2 (Sept 8) - File Systems and Logical Volume Management
** Containers: Objects (partitions, files, volumes) that hold file systems
** Virtual File System: Allows transparent access to files on different file systems
** Commands: mkfs, fsck, fdisk, mount, umount, e2label, resize2fs* Using UUIDs (universally unique identifiers)** 128-bit numbers make hard disk management easier** add UUID= entry in /etc/fstab** Linux file systems support UUIDs, Windows not so much** Commands: blkid, vol_id, uuidgen, tune2fs, findfs* Working with Logical Volumes (LVM)** Physical Volumes (eg partitions) are joined into Volume Groups** Logical Volumes are drawn from Volume Groups** Commands: pvcreate, vgcreate, lvcreate [[Category:LUX]]
== Week 3 (Sept 15) - Linux Startup ==