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OPS705 Assignment 2

277 bytes added, 14:47, 13 April 2023
Task 2: Database
# Public access: '''No'''
# VPC security group: Choose existing
# Existing VPC security groups: Remove default VPC, add '''Wordpress Database VPCSG''' (look to see that it's there below the dropdown after you select it)
# Availability Zone: '''us-east-1a'''
# Monitoring > Enable Enhanced monitoring: '''Unchecked'''
= Task 3: Wordpress Source Code Modification =
'''Explanation:''' From your work with Wordpress in Assignment 1, you know you can simply upload the source code and the first time you load the webpage, you'll be asked for database connector information. However, Elastic Beanstalk applications are meant to be disposable. In A1, when you were adding that database connector info, it was being saved in a file called ''wp-config.php''on the webserver VM. This is fine for that kind of setup, but in Elastic Beanstalk, changes made to static HTML or PHP ''are not saved it if the Beanstalk application restarts'', which it will do often. Whenever the application restarts, it will load from the source zip file. If you did as in A1, you'd have to constantly re-enter your DB connector info every time you started up your Learner Lab environment.
We ''could'' add the DB connector info to '''wp-config.php''' manually before we upload the source code, but there's a much better way. We use environment variables to allow us to put all the info in the Elastic Beanstalk application wizard. That way, every time the application restarts and reloads from the source code zip, it'll then read our connector information from AWS. Read below for details and steps.
'''Note:''' All other information, like the Wordpress website name, users, theme settings, blog posts, etc., are saved in the actual database you created in RDS. This database does not get reset when the Elastic Beanstalk application restarts, so your actual blog will remain intact.
== Download and Unzip - Local Computer ==
# Find the '''wordpress''' folder on your local computer.
# Zip the ''entire wordpress directory'', not just the files inside. (Use the zip compression protocol. Don't use something else like .rar.)
# Rename your new zip file: '''''' (Use whatever version the source zip file has.)
= Task 4: Elastic Beanstalk =
# Application name: '''wordpress'''
# Environment name: '''Wordpress-env'''
# Domain: ''' ''yourSenecaUsername''-assignment2''' (Click on the ''Check availability'' button to verify the URL is free.)
# Platform: '''PHP'''
# Platform branch: '''PHP 8.1''' (or current latest)
# Application code: '''Upload your code'''
# Choose file: '''''' (From your local computer)# Version label: '''wordpress-6.1.12'''
== Configure more options ==
=== Software ===
[[Image:Ops705_a2_beanstalk-environment-variables-example.png|thumb|right|650px|Figure 2: Adding database connector information , auth keys and salts to your Elastic Beanstalk application as static Environment Variables.]]
Before beginning this section, you will need two things:
# Your database connector information (you saved this, right?)
## LOGGED_IN_SALT: ''(use gathered info from salt page)''
## NONCE_SALT: ''(use gathered info from salt page)''
#* ''(Hint: None of these values should have single quotes in them. i.e. ')
=== Security ===
# EC2 Security Groups: '''Wordpress Website SG''' (both checked)
'''Create the application.'''
While you wait for the creation to complete, check your e-mail to confirm your notification subscription.