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OPS245 Lab 2 dev

27 bytes added, 16:54, 30 January 2023
Part 3: Installing from a Network using a Kickstart File
# What happens when the installation is finished?
# '''In a web browser''', click the kickstart (KS) link above. This link is a text file. Read through it to find the following information (pay attention to lines starting with #) and record it in your Lab Logbook:<ul><li>'''Regular-user account name'''</li><li>'''Regular-user account password'''</li><li>'''Root Password'''</li></ul>
# '''Note:''' the Regular-user account password and Root Passwords are encryptedin the kickstart (ks) file. They are both the same as the Regular-user account name (ops245).
# Boot the virtual machine and log in (use the user ID and password information from the previous step to gain access to this VM).
# Compare the experience to the first time you booted the other virtual machines.