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OPS245 Lab 1 dev

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INVESTIGATION 2: Create And Install Your First Virtual Machine (r9host)
Before you can install your CentOS RHEL Full Install DVD onto your Virtual Machine, you must first create a storage container which is a virtual machine that will provide a platform for you to install your CentOS RHEL operating system.
:'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
# Although the images may be a little out of date (i.e. not exact), you can refer to this listing of installation screenshots for general reference:<br>[[ installation screen-shots] ]<br>
# Power up the computer in your Seneca lab in '''Windows'''.
# If you haven't already downloaded the CentOS 7 RHEL 9 Full Install DVD ISO, then do so now.
# Plug your SSD drive into your computer. Note the drive letter for that device.
# Format your SSD to use exFAT, '''not NTFS'''. Open ''My Computer'', right-click on the SSD, and select ''Format...''. The dialog box should have the '''exFAT''' option selected, as the example to your right shows. Once selected, click ''Start''.
# Run the '''VMware Workstation Pro''' application (do '''<u>NOT</u>''' run VMware Player!).
# <span style="background-color:yellow;">In your VMware Workstation application window, click the '''Edit''' menu, then select '''Preferences'''. Under the '''Default Location For Virtual Machines''', enter the pathname for the newly created folder in your SSD device and click '''OK'''</span>.
# Click on the item labelled '''Create a New Virtual Machine'''.<br><br>'''NOTE:''' We will just be creating a "shell" for the VM to contain our CentOS 7 RHEL 9 Linux operating system.<br>This will allow us to configure the VM properly so it will boot-up properly in our Seneca labs.<br><br>
# Select the '''Custom (advanced)''' for the Virtual Machine Configuration setting and click '''Next'''.
# Click '''Next''' at the next screen to proceed.