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Fall 2022 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

3 bytes added, 13:06, 17 September 2022
fixed other emulator links
* Introduction to the [[6502 Addressing Modes]]
* Information about the [[6502 Emulator]] which we will use in this course, and some [[6502_Emulator_Example_Code|example code]]
* Link to the actual [http://6502.cdot.system systems 6502 emulator]
==== Lab 2 ====
* Introduction to the [[6502 Instructions - Introduction|6502 Instructions]]
* Information about the [[6502 Emulator]] which we will use in this course, and some [[6502_Emulator_Example_Code|example code]]
* Link to the actual [http://6502.cdot.system systems 6502 emulator]
=== Week 2 - Class II ===
* Introduction to the [[6502 Instructions - Introduction|6502 Instructions]]
* Information about the [[6502 Emulator]] which we will use in this course, and some [[6502_Emulator_Example_Code|example code]]
* Link to the actual [http://6502.cdot.system systems 6502 emulator]
=== Week 2 - Class II ===