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Tutorial6: File Transfer / Sending Email Messages

78 bytes removed, 12:08, 28 August 2022
# Issue the <span style="font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">lls</span> ''sftp command'' to confirm that you transferred the file '''thefile.txt''' to your local computer.<br><br>
# Issue the following ''sftp command'' to exit the sftp utlilty: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">exit</span><br><br>
# Issue the '''ssh''' command to login to your Matrix server account.<br><br>
# Issue the following Linux command to remotely run a checking script to ensure you created the correct directories<br>and properly transferred those created files: <br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">ssh ~uli101/week6-check-3</span><br><br>
# If you encounter errors, make corrections and then re-run the checking script until you receive a congratulations message.<br><br>'''FYI:''' To run a checking program to check if you created the '''local''' and '''local2''' directories in MS Windows would require<br>running a local-based script (like '''PowerShell'''). Since this is a Unix/Linux based course, we don't have a PowerShell script,<br>so we will ignore checking for files transferred to your local computer.