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OPS245 Lab 8

234 bytes added, 13:26, 2 September 2023
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::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;hardware ethernet 52:54:00:ba:75:a8;</span>
::<span style="font-family:courier;">}</span>
<ol><li value="3">On the client '''centos1''' check the contents of the <b>/var/lib/dhclient</b> directory. The files in this directory is where the dhclient stores its record of leases.<br><br> '''NOTE:''' If there are no files, then in a shell as '''root''' in your '''centos1''' VM issue the command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">sudo dhclient eth0</span></code></b><br>Then check to see if there is file containing lease information in that directory. You should get the similar contents:<br></li></ol>
::<span style="font-family:courier;"> lease {</span>
::<span style="font-family:courier;">&nbsp; &nbsp;interface "eth0";</span>
=== Part 2: Configuring DHCP server to Continually Lease Same IP Address===
# Make certain ALL of your '''centos1''' and '''centos3''' VMs are running.
# Switch to your '''c7host''' VM and change to your user's '''bin''' directory.
# Issue the Linux command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">wget</span></code></b>
# Give the '''lab8-check.bash''' file execute permissions (for the file owner).
# Run the shell script and if any warnings, make fixes and re-run shell script until you receive "congratulations" message.<br><br>