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OPS345 Assignment 1

30 bytes added, 02:26, 26 January 2022
Part 1: first slave
* Go to your www VM in the AWS Console and find the button to create an image from it.
** Name the image '''www-for-asg1-p1'''
** This will create an AMI with all the software configured the way you configured it.
* Deploy one new VM from the AMI you created above.
** Name it '''www-slave1'''** With primary IP address ''''''** In '''ops345wwsg'''** Make sure the second virtual drive is named '''www-data-slave1'''
* Add the appropriate iptables rule on router (don't forget to save the iptables rules) and ops345routersg rule to allow yourself to SSH to www-data-slave1 via port 2221.
* Don't change the hostname of www-data-slave1, leave it as "www".