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OPS245 Lab 2

8 bytes added, 16:34, 24 January 2022
Part 1: Installing VM from a Network (Graphical)
{{Admon/important|Use same root password / regular username / regular user passwords for c7host and ALL VMs|To simplify the lab checking process make certain that you use the identical root password, regular username, and regular username password for VMs that you create in this labs as you did for c7host machine in lab1.<br><br>}}
<ol><li value="14"><span style="background-color:yellow;">Repeat the steps as you did in the previous investigation ([ Investigation1 Part 1]) to '''stop , disable and disable remove firewalld, install iptables-services, start and enable iptables''' for this newly-created VM.</span></li>
<li><span style="background-color:yellow;">Repeat the steps as you did with c7host post-install to '''turn off (permissive) SELinux''' and perform a '''yum update'''.</span></li>
<li>Issue the following command to obtain the IPADDR for your centos1 VM to record in your lab2 logbook: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">ip address show</span></code></b></li>