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Potential Projects

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'''Open Source Community Members:''' We welcome your recommendations for potential projects. Please create an account on this Wiki and create a description for your proposed project below. Please list your contact info (just an IRC or FAS2 name is OK) as well as links to any related web pages as Resources for the proposed project. (Questions? Ask [[user:Chris Tyler | Chris Tyler]] or [[user:David.humphrey | David Humphrey]]).
= SBR600 Potential Fedora Projects = For possible projects for the SBR600 Software Build and Release Course, lease see the [[SBR600 Potential Projects]] page.
== [[Sample Project]] =Potential Eclipse WTP Projects =
This is a sample project stub. You can use See the template for list of potential bugs [[Sample Project]] in order to create a project page for one of the stubs below This is how you 'signcom&field0-0-1=noop&type0-0-1=noop&value0-up' for a project0-1= here].
NOTE: if someone has already created the project page, speak to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.<!--
= Potential Fedora+Mozilla Projects =
== [[Sample Project]] ==
NOTE: if someone has already created the project page, speak to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.
== NetworkManager Web Authentication Ideas Pool ==
Lots of good ideas are listed in [[http:fedora:SummerCoding/2008/wwwIdeas|Summer Coding Ideas (Fedora Wiki)]] projects were originally proposed for Google Summer of Code projects/NetworkManager/ NetworkManager] knows how ; if you want to connect to many different types use one of networks, both wired and wireless, and can auto-authenticate to WEP and WPA networks. Howeverthem, please discuss it can't auto-authenticate to networks that require a web-based login, which includes many wired and wireless networks such as with [[httpUser:// SeneNETChris Tyler|Chris Tyler]] before selecting it, because the scope and [ AirYork]mentorship model for GSOC is different from that of the LUX projects.
Modify NetworkManager so that it talks (though dbus) to a Firefox extension for automatic login to a web-authenticated network.== Cobbler Web ==
Resources: ctylerCobbler is a Linux install server that simplifies tasks associated with fully automated installation such as DHCP, (rocDNS, kickstart, yum, callion and virtualization. It aims to be a universal install server for dbusall linux distributions. Currently Cobbler has a web interface that allows users an easier way of interacting with cobbler. There are several core improvements that can be made. One idea is to extend cobbler web to produce views that make it easier for users to edit fields that only they edit (let me reinstall systems I own but don't show me fields I shouldn't care about). Another is to enable search features in the web app to make it tolerate thousands of systems to a better extent. Finally, another feature is to add a task engine to cobblerd, to make it possible to run commands like "cobbler import" and "cobbler reposync" in the background and see their output in the web interface via an AJAXy type system.
== Create Possible features are not limited to the above (or just working on the web interface), Cobbler has an ongoing RFE list in Trac that has a MDRK Spin wide variety of potential ideas, and ideas beyond the ones listed are also fair game. See
The [[Mozilla Developer Resource Kit]] is a set of tools, code, and documentation intended to make it easy for new Mozilla developers to get up to speed. Package the MDRK components (including the software tools, a Moz source tree, and documentation) as RPM packages, insert into and then create a Fedora "spin" (Live + Installable DVD) of these packagesResources:
Edit the spin image (from Revisor/Live CD Tools) so that, in addition to being a bootable/installable disc, the image can be run in a VM under Windows/Mac OSX. The disc image must be edited to include Windows/Mac OSX versions of the tools, so that if the disc is inserted into a running Windows or Mac OSX system, the appropriate version can be installed.Contact: Michael DeHaan
Resources: humph, ctyler,, Personal Koji Repositories ==
= Potential Mozilla Projects =Koji Personal Repos (KoPeR) is a concept to allow Fedora maintainers to create personal repos of packages to build against and share with others.
== [[Sample Project]] ==Resources:
This is a sample project stub. You can use the template for [[Sample Project]] in order to create a project page for one of the stubs below. This is how you 'sign-up' for a project.Contact: Jesse Keating
NOTE: if someone has already created the project page, speak == Port Wubi to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.Fedora ==
== Mozilla Tree Visualization ==If upstream is willing to integrate it, port wubi-installer and make it more cross distribution. Otherwise, provide a similar implementation for Fedora.
Use the canvas element in order to create a generic fronthttp://wubi-end for data visualization of the Mozilla source. Many types of information about the Mozilla project can be keyed to the source tree. For example, file change-rates, code-coverage, bug activity per module, checkins per module, etc. The visualization will be a heatmap, showing certain types of activity in the tree. Doing this visualizaiton using canvas3d would allow for a third axis, and changes over time to be
Resources: Cathy== Delta RPM support in Koji build system ==
== Mozilla Data Visualization Back-ends == *
Create a data-source for the Mozilla Tree Visualization project. This means data mining,, and preparing the data for use in a heatmap visualization.== Benchmark Nightlife Scalability Issues ==
Resources: CathyUsing Puppet, or some other management tool, create a grid of a dozen machines, then turn that into 12,000 machines. Address the network characteristics - how much bandwidth do you need on different components, the communication mechanisms - does UDP work at such a scale, the grid topology - what happens when two nodes are behind firewalls.
== Add OpenID support to Bugzilla ==Resource: [[:fedora:Nightlife|Nightlife wiki page]], Matthew Farrellee
Many open source projects rely on bugzilla == Create Test Suite for bug tracking, and open source developers use different instances, forcing them to have multiple logins. Complete OpenID support in bugzilla.Condor ==
References: reedAlong with a good build infrastructure, [https://bugzillaa strong test framework and methodology is key to survival of modern software.mozillaCondor is a system that is shipped on, currently, 14 different platforms - OS + Arch combinations. New features need to be verified to work on all those platforms and shown to cause no regressions in other features. Condor has a large test suite, but no suite covers everything or in sufficient depth. Pick a few features, say the VM Universe or Concurrency Limits, and demonstrate full understanding of them by testing all of the corner cases. This is far from a simple task, and requires more than a cursory understand of the system to properly the complex interactions of distributed components, common patterns exist across many distribute systems, as well as intimate interactions with the OS is key.cgi?id=294608 bug 294608]
== Tbeachball - Quantifying Mozilla's Responsiveness == Resource: [[:fedora:Nightlife|Nightlife wiki page]], Matthew Farrellee
This project will add instrumentation to Mozilla in order to determine how much time is spent away from the main event loop, and therefore from the user--- Below: Commented out by Chris Tyler 2008-08-31 -- I think we's mouse/keyboard input. When the user does something, how long does it take for Mozilla to act on that stimulus? One thing that sometimes interferes with interface responsiveness is spending too long away from ll get all the main event loop, perhaps in layout or some other intensive computation. This leads to new events from the user, such as mouse clicks or keypresses, not being noticed and acted upon. This could also be expanded in order to include the triggering of log points and specific dialog openings, etc. with a view to understanding what the long-running events actually arestudents doing this.
References: and Review Packages ==
== Port distcc There is a lot of packages in Fedora waiting for someone to MSYS ==review it. While a completely new Fedora contributor needs to be sponsored before his package is approved, subsequent packages can be reviewed and approved by any Fedora package maintainer. In addition to that, virtually anybody with a Red Hat Bugzilla account can do do unofficial reviews. Working through the review queue and doing this work might be fun and useful learning process for folks interested in RPM and packaging in general.
The recent work to add [[Distcc With MSVC|MSVC support]] to distcc works using the cygwin build environmentgeneral process is described in http://fedoraproject. However, since this project was completed, Mozilla has switched to MSYS (see the [org/wiki/PackageMaintainers/HowToGetSponsored and in Mozilla Win32 build docs). Port distcc so that it works with the new MSYS environmentReviewGuidelines.
References: Cesar and Tom=== Review Requests ===
== Add Multi* Unassigned review requests -File transfer to distcc ==* In progress review requests -* Approved review requests ->
The recent work to add [[Distcc With MSVC|MSVC support]] to distcc only allows for a single file to be sent back from build slaves. This means that extra debugging info (e.g., .pdb files) cannot be sent with binaries. Modify distcc so that it can support debug = Potential Mozilla builds.Projects =
References: Cesar and Tom== [[Sample Project]] ==
== Add password managers This is a sample project stub. You can use the template for various platforms ==[[Sample Project]] in order to create a project page for one of the stubs below. This is how you 'sign-up' for a project.
Previous work was done on adding [[OS X Keychain integration]] to Firefox. This work was focused on tightly binding C++ and Mac API calls. Since then more work NOTE: if someone has been done to [ modularize already created the password manager] in Firefox. Various platform "keychains" need project page, speak to be integrated with the new systemthis person and see if you can join them. See bugs [ 309807], [ 106400]If so, and [ 371000]. See also [ this e-mail message]. References: dolske == Convert password storage simply add your name to a SQLite database == Currently, Firefox stores logins in a text file in the user'''Project Leader(s profile (signons2.txt)''' page. The format is simple Otherwise, but inflexible. Storage of other browser data, such as cookies and form history, has steadily been moving towards using SQLite-backed databases so moving password storage to the same kind of storage would be good. Some work was started in [ bug 288040]you can become a contributor later.
References: dolske== Improve Localization build system ==
== Refactor master password out Currently it requires many many steps to produce another language of NSS ==Firefox.It would really easy to package these many steps to reduce the required knowledge to generate a new language.
Users can enable Adding a "master password" in their browser, which securely encrypts all their stored passwords. The current implementation can be awkward few make steps to use and has some limitations, see [ bug 322617]. Fixing wrap this process would involve having password manager being more involved with help everyone.This is a very easy project to tackle but very benefitial if the cryptography operations -- deriving a key from a passphrase with PKCS#5, and using NSS time and PKCS#11 love is given to encrypt/decrypt entriesit.
== Add Offline Support to an open source web app ==Reference: armenzg
Firefox 3 will support offline abilities, such that web developers can write their apps so they work even == Create a cross-repo pushlog to see all locales's checkins ==We currently check many different repositories to trigger builds when no network is presenta developer makes a change. Good headway has been made already [http://wwwWe also check the localizer's repositories to see if they have pushed any changes.bluishcoderThe problem is that we have close to eighty different localization repositories and that takes a long time to check each one of them.coIf we had a joint view that would improve our systems.nzAn example of that view is:https:/2007/02/offlinel10n-zimbrastage-with-firefoxsj.html porting Zimbra]mozilla. Pick another web app and add offline support, for exampleorg/pushes/but the format should be more like this: [ Moodle]/mozilla-central/pushlogwhich is what our release engineering systems check for.This project would require you to hack hg and pushlog to make it work.armenzg has many blog posts explaining how to setup pushlog in your local machine.
ReferencesReference: mfinklearmenzg - Bug 498641
== Thunderbird SMTP Auto-Sensing ==
References: #maildev
== [[Bugzilla component-watching]] ==
It's common for a developer to want to "watch" all the bugs that are filed in a certain [ Bugzilla] component. Mozilla uses a convoluted and painful system of synthetic accounts to simulate this capability, and we'd all really prefer to be able to do it more directly and with less opportunity for error.
Reference: reed, [ Bug 76794]
== Litmus Extension ==
We wanted to have an extension that would be able to serve users testcases to try and allow them to submit results to []. We could expand the feature set of the extension to do a lot of other cool things with Bugzilla and Website Reporter integration. So we need some ideas there. If you're interested, you could consult the work of [[User:djhamp-g|David Hamp-Gonsalves]], who created the Buggy Bar extension.
== [["Avoid loading the same page twice" Extension]] ==
Create an extension to Firefox so that when a bookmark is clicked, and that site is already open in any tab in any window, that tab/window is brought to the front rather than loading the page again.
Related tech and skills: XUL, JavaScript
== Firebug "linting" for portability problems == Lots of web developers use Firebug and Firefox for building their applications, but we want those apps to work well in other browsers as well. If Firebug knew about JS or CSS patterns that could cause problems in other browsers, it would make it much easier to have those applications work in all browsers. Resources: mfinkle == Add-on update helper tools for developers == As Firefox 3 gets ramped up, there are nearly 3000 add-ons that need to get updated to some degree. Write tools (web or XULRunner) to look in add-ons and find things that developers will need to update. You'll want to work with the Mozilla documentation and evangelism teams to figure out what you're looking for and what to recommend to users. Resources: mfinkle == <strike>XULRunner Application Packaging ==
Help to develop an [ automated packaging system] for XULRunner applications.
Resources: plasticmillion, mfinkle, #mozpad, #prism</strike>
== 'Compact databases' feature for Mozilla calendaring applications (Lightning, Sunbird) ==
Resources: ctalbert, daniel in #calendar on
== Thunderbird Draft Scheduler Extension == Write an extension for Thunderbird so that the user has the ability to mark a draft email for sending later. This is not the same as having to save emails in your DRAFT box because users would have to remember to go back in and click Send later. What is different here is that users could set the date and time for each email to be sent. This feature would be helpful to those who work late into the night but prefer not to send emails at such a late hour. This feature would also benefit support staff, e.g., administrative assistants, who constantly have to send out regular email reminders, e.g., for meetings, timesheets, etc. Resources: Vivian Ngo == <strike>[[Spellcheck Extension for Arbitrary Web Pages]] </strike> ==
<strike>Write an extension to leverage the existing spellcheck code in Mozilla and add the ability to highlight spelling mistakes for a given web page (i.e., vs. a textbox).</strike>
== <strike>Modify Firefox to handle files downloaded to Temp more appropriately </strike>==
<strike>Often files downloaded by the browser are put in a temporary folder that is emptied on close. Users (and especially novice users) should be protected from inadvertent data loss as a result of important files being saved to this temp folder. This project will add fixes to the browser so that users are protected. Ideas include:
* Make Firefox aware of common productivity file types (e.g., .doc, .pdf) and whitelist these types so they aren't deleted
* Have the browser pop-up a Save As dialog instead of automatically saving to temp, and use a documents path
Other ideas are possible, and a combination of these might be necessary. Ultimately, this fix should target regular users without much knowledge of the filesystem.</strike>
Resources: ted, mfinkle
See also: [ Implement Audio 280419 bug 280419] and Visual Mute in the Browser == It would be useful if you could pause[https:/mute/freeze distracting content in a tabbugzilla. Often this means plugins, which are playing music or animatingmozilla. One possible solution is to expose the API that bfcache uses to freezeorg/thaw a window, since plugins are themselves "windows." Other platform specific approaches may also be available (e.gshow_bug.cgi?id=369108 bug 369108], hooking sound API calls in Windows). References: and code [http://wwwmxr.melezmozilla.comorg/mozilla-central/mykzillasource/2007uriloader/04exthandler/tab-specific-mutensExternalHelperAppService.cpp#2077 here].html
== Standalone Test Harnesses ==
* References:
* Possible Resources: Rob Campbell (robcee), Ben Hearsum == Provide a way to easily perform bookmark queries in JS == Right now the only way of finding bookmarks in FUEL is to recursively iterate folders beginning with the root. Because the assumption is that in Firefox 3 users are going to accumulate a lot of bookmarks, this could be not efficient enough (not to mention inconvenient). It would be useful if [ FUEL] provided an interface for querying bookmarks, as a wrapper for nsINavHistoryQuery and friends. An example of how it could look like in action:  var query = bookmarks.newQuery(); query.type = "folder"; query.searchTerms = "goats"; var results = query.execute(); References: Mark Finkle (mfinkle), [ bug 409279] == Provide an easier mechanism for creating History Listeners in JS == A better way for adding easy history event listeners to FUEL is needed, perhaps. Some initial design work has been done on this, see [ bug 406974]. References: Mark Finkle (mfinkle)
== Add source checkout to buildbot ==
Increasingly, Mozilla is moving toward using the Python based buildbot system for automated builds and tests. It would be good to add a Source class for checkouts. This would mean creating a a general Source class that understands the idea of checking out a file, and which could then be used to drive the checkout and allow for integration with
References: Ben Hearsum (bhearsum), Rob Helmer (rhelmer) == Thunderbird Image Auto-Resize == Write an extension for Thunderbird that gives functionality similar to that of Outlook, where image attachments in an email can be automatically re-sized to one of a set of smaller sizes. This is helpful for users who would otherwise try to send megabytes of image data, when they can safely scale the images down and still share their pictures with friends. References: #maildev
== Port the Firefox Release Repackager to other platforms ==
Resources: mkaply, bsmedberg
== Add MSI packaging to the Firefox build system ==
Firefox is not currently available on Windows as an [ MSI], which is something IT departments and others deploying on many desktops routinely request. The [ Windows Installer XML toolset (WiX)] is an open source tool provided by Microsoft that allows the creation of MSI files based on XML config files. This project will add MSI packaging to the Firefox build system so that it happens by default.
Resources: mkaply, ted,,
== gdb symbol server support ==
# (see --add-gnu-debuglink and --only-keep-debug)
Resources: ted, Stan Shebs, Jim Blandy
Resources: ted, Stan Shebs, Jim Blandy
== gcc plugin for better mxr code parsing ==
Currently LXR/MXR rely on a Perl script to parse C/C++ and extract variable and function names. We now have static analysis tools that can parse all of the C++ used by Mozilla correctly. It would be awesome to have a GCC plugin or tool built on Elsa that could parse C++ properly for LXR/MXR to extract all the useful information. The results could be used to improve searching and syntax highlighting.== RegressionTry ==
ReferencesMake it possible to look for bugs across old nightly builds of Firefox using automated tools. For example, [ regression-search] is a script that allows you to do binary searches across binaries, looking for the existence of a bug. This could be improved through the use of tools like [ co-scripter]. Ideally the user could look for bugs in automated ways, without having to download and install tons of browser versions. Resources:db48x, ted# == Extend Try Server to test Thunderbird patches == "Specifically, Mozilla has a great system called “try servers” where one can submit patches against the tree, and the build system runs builds on Linux, Mac and Windows, using those patches, then serves those builds for testing. This is really helpful to figure out if proposed patches solve specific problems...The only problem is that there’s a little bit of patching needed to the try server code itself to make it able to work with other targets besides Firefox, as described in bug 431375" ([ Ascher]) == Add DTrace probes and scripts for Mozilla code base == [ DTrace] was created by Sun in OpenSolaris to allow developers to write simple scripts in order to probe and instrument executing programs in a way not possible otherwise. One of the advantages of DTrace is that it allows you to turn on probing when you need it, but not incur an execution penalty with regard to performance (i.e.mozilla, when probes aren't being scripted, they aren't run). This requires developers to add "probes" to their source For example, if you wanted to know when a particular function is entered/DeHydraexited, get info about what happened, etc. you could add probes to the particular function. Writing the probes is not difficult, however there are hundreds or thousands of probes that Mozilla would like across its code base. Resources: sayrer == Plugin Code Test Suite ==# Create a [ en/docs/Plugins plugin] test suite. There are currently no tests of any kind, and this code is very brittle and not well understood. This would involve creating a plugin or set of plugins and some html/js to drive that plugin in order to push test coverage. Maybe look at the JRE tests, create some specific plugin cases (e.g., swf to load that tests flash specific code). The newly announced Google Chromium browser [http://wwwdev.cschromium.berkeley.eduorg/~smcpeakdevelopers/elkhoundhow-tos/# getting-around-the-chrome-source-code seems to have something like this] with regard to using the npapi for driving tests via plug-in. See also docs on [http://timelessdev.justdavechromium.netorg/developers/design-documents/mxrinter-process-testcommunication IPC] and [http:/webtools/ plug-in design] in Chromium. This will require C programming, as well as light web development (html, js, perhaps swf). Resources: Taras Glek, timelessjst
== Profile the build Create self-serve symbol upload system (why are my Windows builds so slow?) ==
It's Mozilla has a well known fact symbol server which is used by developers to debug issues in release builds that it takes longer to build on Windows than on a comparable Linux or Mac machine. We don't know exactly whyinclude debug information (i.e., howeversymbols). There have been However, many theoriescrashes are related to third-party binary plugins or extensions, but for which Mozilla has no real datasymbols. Profiling the build system This project would allow us create a web-based self-serve solution for third-parties to figure out where all of the time is being spentupload symbols for their binary components in breakpad-formatted .sym file format. The best place to start might be by adding some profiling to GNU Make, to figure out which targets Ideally this could happen in our makefiles take the most time. From therean automated way, depending on the results, profiling such that third-parties could be added add a step to other parts of the their build system to narrow down specific bottlenecksdo it automatically with each release. See [ bug# 419879].
# - did something similar
Resources: ted
== RegressionTry <strike>Add OpenLayers test suite to Mozilla </strike>== <strike>Mozilla [ uses] many common JavaScript library test suites to add additional coverage to it's JavaScript implementation. One test suite that is not currently used by Mozilla, but could be, is the [ OpenLayer's] js [ test suite]. See [ bug# 399311]. Resources: sayrer</strike> == <strike>Import sqlite test suite</strike> == <strike>Mozilla uses an embedded version of [ SQLite] extensively to [ store data] such as bookmarks, history, etc. To insure that it runs properly within Mozilla, it would be good to add the entire sqlite test suite to Mozilla's tests, so that testing the browser also means testing sqlite. The sqlite test suite is written in TCL and needs to be ported to JavaScript. Some [ work has already been done], but more is required to get full test coverage. References: [ bug 391756], Resources: sdwilsh </strike> Take : [ Park,KiWon] == Make chromebug work in Thunderbird == TBD == Help gristmill move forward in Thunderbird == TBD == Help Calendar integration on Trunk == TBD
Make it possible to look for bugs across old nightly builds of Firefox using automated tools. For example, [httpResources:// regression-search] is a script that allows you to do binary searches across binaries, looking for the existence of a bug. This could be improved through the use of tools like [ co-scripter]. Ideally the user could look for bugs in automated ways, without having to download and install tons of browser versions.Fallen
Resources: db48x, ted
== Mercurial history browsing ==
We're just starting to use an exciting new [ distributed version control] tool: [ Mercurial].== HTML page set sanitizer ==
One of the exciting things about Mercurial is that the history—the list The Talos performance testing system at Mozilla currently runs on a large set of all web pages pulled from the changes that have ever been checked in—is not linearAlexa Top 500. It frequently has ''branches'' and ''mergesThese pages can't be redistributed, since they're mirrors of copyrighted web pages. This is actually a goodIn addition, important feature, as you know if you've read a little about distributed version control. The downside is that the history becomes a maze many of twisty little passagesthem contain adult content. [ Benjamin Smedberg's demo] shows This makes it difficult for people to duplicate the history of a repository with lots of merges (each box is a check-in; you can click on the boxes Talos results or to move around)test changes that have an expected performance impact.
There have been A useful solution to this problem would be a tool that takes a mirrored copy of a couple attempts at showing history in an intuitivewebsite and "sanitizes" it, graphical way. Mercurial comes with a web UI for browsing by changing the repository, including history page text and image contents ([http://hgmaking them junk or filler text or something).mozillaThe caveat here is that this *cannot* change the performance characteristics of the here's what For example, taking a page that is all Chinese text and replacing it looks like]). It also comes with an "hg glogLorem Ipsum" extension that draws history as ASCII artfiller text would cause the page to take different text rendering paths, which would change what is measured. As another example, making all JPEG images solid black would likely make them decode and an "hg view" extension render much faster. Any solution should have some analysis performed that shows that does roughly performance is not significantly altered in the same thing with a little GUI. Sadly, none of these applications qualifies as ''awesome''sanitized page set.
Your mission is to rectify this sad situation by writing an awesome browser-based UI for navigating Mercurial repository history.Resources: ted (but find someone better!)
Resources: jorendorff== 3D object picking ==Canvas 3D JS Library is a library for the creation and manipulation of 3D scenes in the browser without needing to know much 3D programming. Part of this project is to handle mouse input. This particular project looks at how to perform "picking". That is, bsmedbergwhen given a coordinate within the canvas, return the 3D object at that location.
== Extend Try Server to test Thunderbird patches =="SpecificallyResources: cathy, Mozilla has a great system called “try servers” where one can submit patches against the tree, and the build system runs builds on Linux, Mac and Windows, using those patches, then serves those builds for testing. This is really helpful to figure out if proposed patches solve specific problems...The only problem is that there’s a little bit of patching needed to the try server code itself to make it able to work with other targets besides Firefox, as described in bug 431375" Andor ([ Ascher]org)
= Potential OOo Projects =
NOTE: if someone has already created the project page, speak to this person and see if you can join them. If so, simply add your name to the '''Project Leader(s)''' page. Otherwise, you can become a contributor later.
== Generate an OOo XREF based on Dehydra ==
Using Dehydra, build OOo and generate an xref in the same way we are indexing for dxr.
TODO: more info....
Resources: humph, taras
== Existing Subjects proposed by Education Project ==
FIXME : the projects proposed on the Education Project will be adapted to the current section.
Waiting we encourage you to have a look at the '''[ Education Project Effort page]'''
Other links:
[ Education Project on the Wiki]
[[User:Ericb|Ericb]] 21:05, 26 September 2008 (UTC)