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CDOT Job Opportunities

1,380 bytes added, 08:42, 19 April 2021
Job Opportunities
=== OSTEP Research Assistants for Summer 2021 (May-Aug) ===
 We're looking for:  * '''1-4 software developers with skills suited to super-embedded projects'''** Required:**# Demonstrated strong programming skill**# Demonstrated initiative**# Demonstrated ability pick up new languages, libraries, and frameworks quickly** Desired:*** Experience with Python, Bash, C/C++, and/or Linux system administration*** Familiarity with low-level hardware and communications*** Familiarity with open source development communities*** Git and/or GitHub experience  * '''1 software developer with skills suited to a simulation system with web UI'''** Required:**# Demonstrated strong programming skill in one or more of these languages: Python, C/C++, JavaScript**# Demonstrated initiative**# Demonstrated ability pick up new languages, libraries, and frameworks quickly** Desired:*** Experience with graph databases and languages (e.g., Cypher)*** Experience with Bash and/or Linux system administration is an asset*** Familiarity with SNMP and/or IPMI protocols*** Familiarity with networking concepts*** Familiarity with open source development communities and practices*** Git and/or GitHub experience  How to apply:* '''For WIL (coop) opportunities:''' See the Seneca Work Integrated Learning (WIL) website for current OSTEP WIL (co-op) positions.* '''For non-WIL applicants -- summer students and recent grads:''' Email [ Chris Tyler] with your application cover letter and resume/CV. Note that the OSTEP team is located at the [ Newnham Campus] -- however, OSTEP RAs are working-from-home at the present time.
=== Future Opportunities ===