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OPS435 Assignment 2 for Section C

419 bytes added, 16:04, 14 April 2021
Weekly Usage Report by Remote Host
== Tasks for this assignment ==
In this assignment, your you will create a script that can generate usage reports based off of output from the last command or from a file in a similar format. You will use usage_data_file for testing but the script should preform the following activities:also be tested on some other Linux machines and on Matrix.
Depending on the options selected, your script should list users or remote IP addresses, either overall or limited by a specific date. It should also generate daily usage reports for specific users/remote hosts, or weekly usage reports as well.
== Allowed Python Modules ==
* the <b>os, sys</b> modules
* the <b>argparse</b> module
* The <b>datetime</b> module
* The <b>subprocess</b> module
** === Argparse ===Argparse is a much, much better way of dealing with command line arguments. It not only handles positional arguments, but options as well and will generate usage messages.It's <i>very highly recommended</i> that you spend at least a few minutes reading through the [ Argparse Tutorial] . === Datetime ===Since Python is a <i>batteries</i> included language, it's important to get accustomed with using some of the modules in the standard library. Since we are dealing with dates and times, you are required to work with the datetime module. The full docs can be found [ here]. Datetime objects can be initialized from strings that match a particular format. One example is provided for you in the codebase: [ the strptime] function. Once you have created datetime objects, you can do useful things with them: * <code> d1 > d2 </code> will return True is d1 is <b>later</b> than d2.* <code> d2 - should read d1 </code> will return a <i>timedelta</i> object, which is an amount of time between d2 and d1. More interesting methods are in the [ table] in the docs. === Timedelta ===When performing some operations with datetime objects, we may see timedelta objects being created. In math, <b>delta</b> refers to a difference. So a timedelta object is essentially an object that represents a duration. You can do useful things with timedelta objects:* <code> delta1 + delta2 </code> will add up two durations. For example, if delta1 is two hours and delta2 is three hours, then this firstoperation will return five hours.** <code> str(delta1) </code> will represent the timedelta in a friendly format: H:MM:SS if the duration is less than 24 hours.  More interesting methods are in the [ Argparse API reference information page#datetime.datetime.fold table]in the docs.
== Instructions ==
[eric@centos7 a1]$ python3 ./ -h
usage: [-h] [-l {user,host}] [-r RHOST] [-t {daily,monthlyweekly}] [-u USERd DATE] [-su USER] [-v] F [F ...files]
Usage Report based on the last command
positional arguments:
F list of files file to be processed, if blank, will call last
optional arguments:
-r RHOST, --rhost RHOST
usage report for the given remote host IP
-t {daily,monthlyweekly}, --type time {daily,monthlyweekly} type of report: daily day or monthlyweek -d DATE, --date DATE specify date for report
-u USER, --user USER usage report for the given user name
-s, --seconds return times in seconds
-v, --verbose turn on output verbosity
Copyright 2021 - Eric Brauer
You will that there is an 'args' object in Once the <code>parse_command_args()</code> function is called, it will return an args object. The command line arguments will be stored as attributes of that object. <b>Do not use sys.argv to parse arguments.</b>
If there is only one a file name provided at the command line, read the login/logout records from the contents of the given file. If the there is not file name is "online", get the record on the system your script is being execute using the Linux command "last -iwF". The format of each line in the file should be the same as the output of 'last -Fiw'. Filter out incomplete login/logout record (hints: check for the number of fields in each record). If there is more than one file name provided, merge all the files together with the first one at the top and the last one at the bottom. Read and process the file contents in that order in your program.
=== Header ===
You will once again be graded partly on <b>correct use of version control</b>, that is use of numerous commits with sensible commit messages. In professional practice, this is critically important for the timely delivery of code. You will be expected to use:
<li><code>git add *</code>
<li><code>git commit -m "a message that describes the change"</code>
<li><code>git push</code>
<li> Run the script itself. Investigate argparse. <b>In the main block, print(args).</b> Experiment with the various options.
<li> Read the usage output in the docs, what option must you implement? Go ahead and implement it. <b>Commit the change.</b>
<li> Use the check script to check your work: <code>./ -f -v TestHelp</code>. It should succeed.<li> Investigate the <code>parse_for_user()</code> function, with the <code>usage_data_file</code>. <b>In main, call `parse_for_user()` with `output` as the argument. Investigate what's returned.</b>
<li> <code>parse_for_user()</code> should take the list of lines from the file, and instead return a list of usernames. <b>In main, print the title header and the output. Commit the change.</b>
<li> <b>Once you have `output` --> `parse_for_user()` --> correct output being printed, use if conditions to print only when `-l user` is in the command line arguments.</b>
<li> Test using <bcode>Continue committing these changes as your proceed./ -f -v TestList</bcode><li> Implement . You should see some tests succeeding, but some failing. Use the check script to start implementing the same things as parse_for_user but functions needed for <codeb>parse_for_hosts-l host</codeb>. Use the user function to guide you. <li> Compare <b>Continue committing these changes as your output with proceed.</b> Your script should now be passing the output belowTestList tests.<li> Write Now implement the `parse_for_daily()` function using the pseudocode given-d <date> option. This should be taking the will filter your user list of lines from your file, and output a dictionary with start dates in DD/MM/YYYY format as based on the key and usage in seconds as date provided by the valueuser.<li> Use <code> {'01./01/1980': 1200, '02/01/1980': 2400, '03/01/1980': 2200} -f -v TestDate</code>to check your work. <lib> Once your `parse_for_daily()` function works, call it with You have completed the argparse options, and display the contents.first milestone!</b><li> Write (or modify) a function The next stage will be to do implement the same for remote hostsdaily/weekly reports.Use <code>TestDaily<li/code> Implement the outputting of the duration in HH:MM:SS instead of seconds. It's recommended you write a function to take in seconds and return a string. Call this when the `-s` option is absent. Make sure this is working with remote hosts as well. You should now have x of y tests passing.<licode>TestWeekly</code> Finally, implement with the `--monthly` option. Create a new function and get it working. start with seconds, then duration and make sure it works with remote as wellcheck script.
<li> Perform last checks and document your code. Write **why** your code is doing what it does, rather than **what** it's doing. You should have 100% of tests succeeding.
List tables should need no extra formatting.
For daily/montly tables with two columns, The first column should be 10 characters long and be left-aligned.
The second column should be 15 characters long and be right-aligned.  <pre>Daily Usage Report for rchan < same number of characters============================ <Date Usage < right justified13/02/2018 0:26:00 <15/02/2018 0:33:00Total 0:59:20llllllllllrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr < left column is 10 chars, right column is 15^left just.</pre>
=== Sample Outputs ===
The following are the reports generated by the usage report script ( with the "usage_data_file" mentioned in the overview section. You can download the file [ here] to test your script.
==== User List ====
The following is the user list extracted from the usage_data_file created by the command:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -l user usage_data_file
The following is the remote host list extracted from the usage_file_file created by the command:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -l host usage_data_file
==== Daily Usage Report by User The Verbose Option ====The Either of the following are Daily Usage Reports created for user rchan. The output two tests can be displayed either in secondsmodified with the <code>--verbose</code> option. You shouldn't have to do anything to get this working:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -u rchan l host -t daily v usage_data_file --seconds
Daily Usage Report Files to be processed: usage_data_fileType of args for files <class 'str'>Host list for rchanusage_data_file=============================Date Usage10.40.105.13013/02/2018 158010.40.91.23615/02/2018 198010.40.91.247Total 356010.43.115.162
...or by omitting the ==== List For Specific Day ====Specifying a <code>--secondsdate</code> option, in HH:YYYY-MM:SS -DD formatshould list all users or hosts that were logged in at some point during that date, even if their start time or end time is different. For example, user <code>cwsmith</code> logged in on Feb 14 and logged off on Feb 15, but they show up when the following command is run:
[eric@centos centos7 a2]$ ./ -u rchan l user -d 2018-02-t daily 14 usage_data_file
Daily Usage Report User list for rchanusage_data_file=============================Date Usage13/02/2018 00:26:0015/02/2018 00:33:00Total 00:59:20cwsmith
It's recommended you get the seconds working first, then create a function to converts seconds to HH:MM:SS.
==== Daily Usage Report by Remote Host====The following is a Daily Usage Report created This should work for the Remote Host by the commandhosts as well:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -r l host -d 2018-02-t daily 14 usage_data_file -s
Daily Usage Report Host list for Usage14/02/2018 1093113/02/2018 7969Total 1890010.40.105.130
Just as you did with <code>--If the user</code>types in an invalid date, your the script should also display halt and print the time in HH:MM:SS by omitting the <code>--seconds</code> option. ==== Monthly Usage Report by User ====The following is a Monthly Usage Report created for user rchan by the commanderror message:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -u rchan l host -t monthly d 2018-02-xx usage_data_file -s
Monthly Usage Report for rchan==============================Date Usage02/2018 3560Total 3560not recognized. Use YYYY-MM-DD format.
==== Daily Usage Report by User ====
The following are Daily Usage Report is created for user rchan.
[eric@centos7 centos a2]$ ./ -u cwsmith rchan -t monthly daily usage_data_file
Monthly Daily Usage Report for cwsmithrchan================================
Date Usage
13/02/2018 03 0:0226:11000315/02/2018 00 0:3833:00Total 03 0:4059:1120
Be also sure to test with the <code>--verbose</code> ==== Monthly Daily Usage Report by Remote Host ====The following is a Monthly Daily Usage Report created for the remote host Remote Host 103 by the command:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -r -t monthly daily usage_data_file
Monthly Daily Usage Report for
Date Usage
14/02/2018 3:02:1113/02/2018 05 2:1512:0049Total 05 5:15:00
As discussed before, this command should also accept the <code>--seconds</code> option. ==== List Users With Verbose Weekly Usage Report by User ====Calling any of The following is a Weekly Usage Report created for user cwsmith by the previous commands with the <code>--verbose</code> option should cause the script to output more informationcommand:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -l user u cwsmith -t weekly usage_data_file -v
Files to be processed: ['usage_data_file']Type of args Weekly Usage Report for files <class 'list'>User list for usage_data_filecwsmith===============================asmithDate Usagecwsmith2018 06 3:02:11rchan2018 10 0:38:00tsliu2Total 3:40:11
==== Weekly Usage Report by Remote Host ====
The following is a Weekly Usage Report created for the remote host by the command:
[eric@centos7 a2]$ ./ -r -t monthly weekly usage_data_file -v
Files to be processed: ['usage_data_file']Type of args for files <class 'list'>usage report for remote host: report type: monthlyMonthly Weekly Usage Report for
Date Usage
02/2018 0506 0:1502:0031Total 05 0:1502:0031
==== Daily Report From Online ====
Running the script with "online" <B>no filename</b> as a file argument should call a subprocess.Popen object and run the command <code>last -Fiw</code>.
[eric@mtrx-node06pd ~]$ ./ -l user online
[eric@mtrx-node06pd ~]$ ./ -u adas20 -t daily online
=== Detail Algorithm Document ===Follow the standard computation procedure: input - process - ouput when creating the algorithm document Please note that there will no unit test for this assignment.==== input ====* get data (command line arguments/options) from the user using the functions provided by the argparse module* according to the arguments/options given at the command line, take appropriate processing action. ==== processing ====* based on the file(s) specified, read the contents of each file and use appropriate objects to store but it* based on the command line arguments/options, process the data accordingly, which includes** data preprocessing (split is still a multi-day record into single day record)** record processing (preform required computation)==== output ====* output the required report based on the processed data==== identify and select appropriate python objects and functions ====The following python functions (to be created, you may have more) are useful in handling the following sub-tasks:* reads login records from files and filters out unwanted records* convert login records into proper python object type so that it can be processed using as much built-in functions as possible * create functions which generate daily usage reports by user and/or by remote host* create functions which generate monthly usage reports by user and/or by remote hostrequirement.
To help you with this assignment=== First Milestone ===By April 4, you should use have your <code>TestHelp</code>, <code>TestList</code> and <code>TestDate</code> tests all passing. Make sure that the code is in the your GitHub repository as . I will use a starting point in designing your own Python Usage Report scriptpull request comment to give feedback, suggest changes or get you unstuck.
=== Python script coding and debugging ===
! Task !! Maximum mark !! Actual mark
| Algorithm Submission First Milestone || 10 ||
| Check Script Results || 30 ||
| List Functions || 5 ||
| Daily/Monthly Weekly Functions || 10 ||
| Output Date Functions || 5 ||
| Other Output/other Functions || 5 ||
| Overall Design/Coherence || 10 ||
== Submission ==
* Stage 1: Submit your algorithm document file to Blackboard Complete the first milestone on GitHub by November 27April 4, 20202021.* Stage 2: Use commits to push your python script for this assignment to The final state of your repository will be looked at on December 11April 18, 2020 2021 at 11:59 PM.* Stage 3: Copy your python script into a Word document and submit to Blackboard by December 11April 18, 2020 2021 at 11:59 PM.