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Tutorial10: Shell Scripting - Part 1

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===Main Objectives of this Practice Tutorial===
:* Explain the purpose of Use the '''she-bang linesed''' command to '''manipulate text''' contained at the top of in a shell scriptfile.
:* List rules for naming a Bash script fileand explain several '''addresses''' and '''instructions''' associated with the '''sed''' command.
:* Explain how to set Use the '''permissionssed''' and how to command as a '''executefilter''' a shell scriptwith Linux pipeline commands.
:* Explain Use the purpose of '''environmentawk''' and command to '''user-definedmanipulate text''' variablescontained in a file.
:* Explain List and explain '''comparison operators''', '''variables''' and '''actions''' associated with the purpose of '''control flow statementsawk'''command.
:* Explain the purpose of the '''$?''' exit status and Use the '''testawk''' command. :* Explain the purpose and usage of the '''if''' and '''if-else''' logic statements. :* Explain the purpose and usage of the as a '''forfilter''' loop statementwith Linux pipeline commands.
|- valign="top" style="padding-left:15px;"
|colspan="2" |Course Notes'''Slides''':<ul><li>Week 11 Lecture 1 Notes:<br> [[Media:ULI101-Week11.1.pdf | PDF]] | [ PPTX]</li><li>Week 11 Lecture 2 Notes:<br> [[Media:ULI101-Week10Week11.2.pdf | PDF]] | [ PPTX]<br></li></ul>
| style="padding-left:15px;" |Shell Scripting'''Text Manipulation:'''* [ Purpose of using the sed utility]* [ linux Purposeof using the awk utility]
Variables* [| style="padding-are-environment-variables Environment]* [httpsleft://,like%20a%20real%20computer%20program. User Defined]* [,up%20to%20nine%20positional%20parameters. Positional Parameters]15px;" |'''Commands / Techniques* [ read]'''* [ readonlysed]* [ Command Substitution]| style="padding-left:15px;"|Control Flow Statements* [https:pages/man1/ Purpose]* [ test command]* [,conditions%20that%20we%20may%20set. if statement]* [ if-else statement]* ['for%20loop'%20is%20a,files%20using%20a%20for%20loop. for loophtml awk]
 |colspan="1" style="padding-left:15px;" width="30%"|'''Brauer Instructional Videos:'''<ul><li>[ Bash Shell Scripting - Part 114 Using the sed Utility]</li><li>[ Creating and Running a Shell ScriptOV3XzjDYgJo&list=PLU1b1f-2Oe90TuYfifnWulINjMv_Wr16N&index=13 Using the awk Utility]</li></ul>
''A shell script is a computer program designed to be run by the Unix shell, a command-line interpreter.<br> The various dialects of shell scripts are considered to be scripting languages.''
Reference: the sed Utility===
===Creating & Executing Shell Scripts===
[[Image:ipso.png|thumb|right|500px|An '''IPSO Diagram''' (INPUT, PROCESSING, STORAGE, OUTPUT) can be used to map-out and then list the sequence of steps to assist when coding your shell script.]]It is recommended to '''plan''' out on a piece of paper the purpose of the shell script.<br>You can do this by creating a simple '''IPSO''' diagram (stands for '''INPUT''', '''PROCESSING''', '''STORAGE''', '''OUTPUTUsage:''').
First, list the INPUTS into the script (eg. prompting user for data, reading data from file, etc), then listing the expected OUTPUTS from the script. You can then list the steps to process the INPUT to provide the OUTPUT (including file storage).'''<span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">Syntax: sed [-n] 'address instruction' filename</span>'''
Once you have planned your shell script by listing the sequence of steps (i.e. PROCESSING) in your script, you need to create a file (using a '''text editor''') that will contain your Linux commands.<br><br>'''NOTE:''' Avoid using filenames of already existing Linux Commands to avoid confusion.<br>Using shell script filenames that include the file extension of the shell that the script will run within is recommended.
'''Using a Shebang LineHow it Works:'''
[[Image:shebang.png|thumb|right|200px|* The '''shebang line''' <u>must</u> appear on sed command reads all lines in the '''first line''' and at input file and will be exposed to the '''beginning''' of the shell script.]]If you are learning Bash scripting by reading other people’s code you might have noticedexpression<br>that the first (i.e. area contained within quotes) one line in the scripts starts with the <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">#!</span> characters and the path to the Bash interpreterat a time.* The expression can be within single quotes or double quotes.<i>This sequence of characters * The expression contains an address (match condition) and an instruction (#!operation) is called '''shebang''' and is used to tell the operating system<br>which interpreter to use to parse the rest of the file. </i>Reference: The '''shebang line''' <u>must</u> appear on * If the '''first line''' and at the '''beginning''' of the shell script,<br>otherwisematches the address, then it will be treated as a regular comment and ignoredperform the instruction'''Setting Permissions &amp; Running a Shell Script''' To run your shell script by name, you need to assign '''execute permissions''' for the user.<br>To run * Lines will display be default unless the shell script, you can '''execute–n''' the shell script using a ''relative'', ''absolute'', or ''relative-option is used to-home'' pathnamesuppress default display '''Example:<br><br><span style="font-family:courier;">chmod u+x myscript.bash<br>./myscript.bash<br>/home/username/myscript.bash<br>~/myscript.bash</span>''' ===Using Variables in Shell Scripts=== '''Definition''' ''<b>Variables</b> are used to '''store information''' to be referenced and manipulated in a computer program.<br>They also provide a way of labeling data with a descriptive name, so our programs can be understood<br>more clearly by the reader and ourselves.''<br>ReferenceAddress:  '''Environment Variables''' [[Image:environment.png|thumb|right|500px|Examples of using '''Environment''' and '''User Defined''' variables.]]Shell '''environment variables''' shape the working environment whenever you are logged in Common shell. Some of these variables are displayed via Linux commands in the diagram displayed on the right-side.<br>(you can issue the pipeline command '''set | more''' to view all variables) Placing a dollar sign ('''$''') prior to the variable name will cause the variable to expand to the value contained in the variable.
* Can use a line number, to select a specific line (for example: '''5''')
* Can specify a range of line numbers (for example: '''5,7''')
* Regular expressions are contained within forward slashes (e.g. /regular-expression/)
* Can specify a regular expression to select all lines that match a pattern (e.g '''/^[0-9].*[0-9]$/''')
* If NO address is present, the instruction will apply to ALL lines
'''User Defined Variables'''
[[Image:sed.png|right|500px|]]'''Instruction:'''<b>User-defined variables</b> are variables which can be *'''created by the userAction''' and exist in the session. This means that no one can access userto take for matched line(s)*Refer to table on right-defined variables that have been set by another user,side for list of some<br>and when the session is closed these variables expire.''<br>Reference:'common instructions''' and their purpose
Data can be stored and removed within a variable using an '''equal sign'''.<br><br>The '''read''' command can be used to prompt the user to enter data into a variable.<br>Refer to the diagram on the right-side to see how user-defined variables are assigned data.
'''Positional Parameters and Special Parameters'''
[[Image:positional.png|thumb|right|220px|Examples of using '''positional''' and '''special''' parameters.]]A '''positional parameter''' is a variable within a shell program; its value is set from an argument specified on the command line that invokes the program.Positional parameters are numbered and their values are accessed by using a preceding "'''$'''" (eg. '''$1''', '''$2''', '''$3''', etc.). The positional parameter '''$0''' refers to either the name of shell where command was issued, or name of shell script being executed. If using '''positional parameters''' greater than '''9''', then you need to include number within braces.<br>Examples: '''echo ${10}''', '''ls ${23}''' The '''shift''' command can be used with positional parameters to shift positional parameters<br>to the left by one or more positions. There are a couple of ways to assign values as positional parameters::*Use the '''set''' command with the values as argument after the set command:*Run a shell script containing arguments   There are a group of '''special parameters''' that can be used for shell scripting.<br>A few of these special parameters and their purpose are displayed below:<br>'''$*''' , '''“$*”''' , '''"$@"''' , '''$#''' , '''$?''' Refer to the diagram to the right for examples using positional and special parameters.  '''Command Substitution:''' [[Image:for-command-substitution.png|thumb|right|300px|Example of how a '''for loop with command substitution''' works.]]<i>'''Command substitution''' is a facility that allows a command<br>to be run and its output to be pasted back on the command line as arguments to another command.</i><br>Reference:<br><br> ''Usage:'' <span style="font-family:courier"><b>command1 $(command2)</b><br>or<br><b>command1 `command2`</b></span><br><br> ''Examples:'' <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">file $(ls)<br>mail -s "message" $(cat email-list.txt) < message.txt<br>echo "The current directory is $(pwd)"<br>echo "The current hostname is $(hostname)"<br>echo "The date is: $(date +'%A %B %d, %Y')"<br> ===Using Control Flow Statements in Shell Scriptsthe awk Utility===
<table align="right"><tr valign="top"><td>[[Image:test-1.png|thumb|right|140px|Examples of simple comparisons using the test command.]]</td><td>[[Image:test-2.png|thumb|right|140px|Examples of using additional comparisons using the test command.]]</td></table>
'''Control Flow Statements''' are used to make your shell scripts more '''flexible''' and can '''adapt''' to changing situations.
The special parameter '''$?Usage:''' Is used to determine the '''exit status''' of the previously issued Linux command.The exit status will either display a '''zero''' (representing TRUE) or a '''non-zero''' number (representing FALSE). The test command can be used with control flow statements to control the sequence of a shell script.
You CANNOT use the '''<span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">awk [-F] ''' or '''selection-criteria {action}’ file-name<''' symbols when using the test command since these are redirection symbols. Instead, you need to use options when performing numerical comparisons.Refer to the table below for test options and their purposes./span>
There are <u>other</u> comparison options that can be used with the test command such as testing to see if a regular file or directory pathname exists, or if the regular file pathname is –non-empty.
Refer to diagrams to the right involving some of the options used with the '''testHow It Works:''' command. Refer to the test man pages for a full list of options for the test command.
* The '''Logic Statementsawk''' command reads all lines in the input file and will be exposed to the expression (contained within quotes) for processing.*The '''expression''' (contained in quotes) represents '''selection criteria''', and '''action''' to execute contained within braces '''{}'''* if selection criteria is matched, then action (between braces) is executed.* The '''–F''' option can be used to specify the default '''field delimiter''' (separator) character<br>eg. '''awk –F”;”''' (would indicate a semi-colon delimited input file).<br>'''Selection Criteria'''
A * You can use a regular expression, enclosed within slashes, as a pattern. For example: '''logic statement/pattern/''' is used to determine which Linux commands to be executed based<br>on the result of * The ~ operator tests whether a condition (i.e. TRUE (zero value) field or FALSE (non-zero value))variable matches a regular expression<table align="right"><tr valign="top"><td>[For example: '''$1 ~ /^[Image:logic0-1.png|thumb|right|250px|Example of using the 9]/'''* The '''if!~''' logic control-flow statementoperator tests for no match.]]<For example: '''$2 !~ /line/td'''* You can perform both numeric and string comparisons using relational operators ( '''><td''' , '''>[[Image:loop-1.png|thumb|right|250px|Example of using the ='''for, ''' looping control-flow statement.]]</td>''' , '''</table> There are several logic statements=''' , '''==''' , but we will just concentrate on the if statement.<pre style'''!="width:20%">if test condition then command(s''' ) .fi</pre> Refer to * You can combine any of the diagram immediately to the right for patterns using the Boolean operators '''if logic statement||''' with the (OR) and '''test&&''' command(AND)* You can use built-in variables (like NR or "record number" representing line number) with comparison operators.<br><br><br><br><br>For example: '''if-else statement:NR >=1 && NR <= 5'''
[[Image:if-else.png|thumb|right|300px|Example of how an '''if-else''' statement works.<br>Action (Image licensed under [ cc]execution)]] Unlike using only an ''if'' statement, an '''if-else''' statement take '''two different sets of actions'''<br>based on the results of the test condition.<br><br>''How it Works:''<br>When the test condition returns a '''TRUE''' value, then the Linux Commands between<br>'''then''' and '''else''' statements are executed.<br>If the test returns a '''FALSE''' value, then the the Linux Commands between<br>the '''else''' and '''fi''' statements are executed.<br><br> ''Example:''
<span style="font-family* Action to be executed is contained within braces '''{}'''* The '''print''' command can be used to display text (fields).* You can use parameters which represent fields within records (lines) within the expression of the awk utility.* The parameter '''$0''' represents all of the fields contained in the record (line).* The parameters '''$1''', '''$2''', '''$3''' … '''$9''' represent the first, second and third to the 9th fields contained within the record. * Parameters greater than nine requires the value of the parameter to be placed within braces (for example:courier;font '''${10}''','''${11}''','''${12}''', etc.)* You can use built-weight:bold;in '''variables''' (such as '''NR''' or "record number">num1=5representing line number)<br>num2=10<br>if test eg. '''{print NR,$num1 –lt $num2<br>0}''' (will print record number, then<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo “Less Than”<br>else<br>echo &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;“Greater Than or Equal to”<br>fi</span><br><br>entire record).
<span style="color:red;">'''Loop StatementsATTENTION''': Effective '''May 9, 2022''' - this online tutorial will be required to be completed by '''Friday in week 11 by midnight'''<br>to obtain a grade of '''2%''' towards this course</span><br><br>
''A <b>loop statement</b> is a series of steps or sequence of statements executed repeatedly zero or more times satisfying the given condition is satisfied.''<br>Reference: There are several loops, but we will look at the '''for loop''' using a '''list'''. <pre style="width:20%">for item in list do command(s) done</pre> Refer to the diagram above and to the extreme right side for an example using the '''for loop''' with a '''list'''. =INVESTIGATION 1: CREATING A SHELL SCRIPT= <br>In this sectioninvestigation, you will learn how to create and run a manipulate text using the '''simple Bash Shell scriptsed'''utility.
'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
# '''Login''' to your matrix accountand confirm you are located in your '''home''' directory.<br><br># Issue a Linux command to create a directory called '''sed'confirm''<br><br># Issue a Linux command to <u>change</u> to the '''sed''' directory and confirm that you are located in your the '''homesed''' directory.<br><br>We want # Issue the following Linux command to create a Bash Shell script to welcome download the user by their usernamedata.txt file<br>Let('s first provide some useful tips in terms of selecting an appropriate name for the shell script''copy and paste''' to save time):<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">wget <nowiki></nowiki></span><br><br># Issue the following linux '''more''' command to quickly view the contents of the '''data.txt''' file.<br>When finished, exit the more command by pressing the letter <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">q</span>[[Image:sed-1.png|thumb|right|300px|Issuing the '''p''' instruction without using the '''-n''' option (to check if your intended shell script namesuppress original output) will display lines twice.]]<br><br>The '''p''' instruction with the '''sed''' command is already exists used to be run automatically from <br>'''print''' (i.e. ''display'') the contents of a text file.<br><br># Issue the Bash shellfollowing Linux command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">which hellosed 'p' data.txt</span><br><br>'''NOTE: You should notice that there is no output and therefore, this shell script name can be usedeach line appears twice'''.<br>On <br>The reason why standard output appears twice is that the other hand, if you wanted to create a file called sed, then command<br>(without the '''which sed-n option''' command) displays all lines regardless of an address used.<br><br>would indicate it is already being used by We will use '''pipeline commands''' to both display stdout to the shell screen and that save to files<br>for <u>confirmation</u> of running these pipeline commands when run a '''sedchecking-script''' wouldn't be an appropriate shell script name to uselater in this investigation.<br><br># Use a Issue the following Linux pipeline command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed -n 'p' data.txt | tee sed-1.txt</span><br><br>What do you notice? You should see only one line.<br><br>You can specify an '''address'''text editorto display lines using the sed utility<br>(eg. ''line #'' like , '''viline #s''' or range of '''line #s''nano').<br><br># Issue the following Linux pipeline command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed -n '1 p' data.txt | tee sed-2.txt</span><br><br>You should see the first line of the text file displayed.<br>What other command is used to create only display the text first line in a file called ?<br><br>[[Image:sed-2.png|thumb|right|500px|Using the sed command to display a '''range''hello'of lines.]]# Issue the following Linux pipeline command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed -n '2,5 p'data.txt | tee sed-3.txt</span><br><br>If What is displayed? How would you are using modify the sed command to display the nano text editor, refer line range 10 to 50?<br><br>The '''s''' instruction is used to notes on '''substitute''' text editing in <br>(a previous week similar to method was demonstrated in the course schedulevi editor in tutorial 9).<br><br># Enter Issue the following two lines in your shell script, replacing "your-username" with your actual nameLinux pipeline command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">echosed '2,5 s/TUTORIAL/LESSON/g' data.txt | tee sed-4.txt | more</span><br>echo "Hello $USER"<br>echoWhat do you notice? View the original contents of lines 2 to 5 in the '''data.txt''' file</spanbr>in another shell to confirm that the substitution occurred.<br><br>[[Image:sed-3.png|thumb|right|500px|Using the sed command with the '''NOTE:-q''' option to display up to a line number, then quit.]]The variable called '''USERq''' is an instruction terminates or '''environmentquits''' variable that contains the current userexecution of the sed utility as soon as it is read in a particular line or matching pattern.<br><br># Issue the following Linux pipeline command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed 's login name11 q' data.txt | tee sed-5.txt</span><br><Brbr>In this way if What did you wanted notice? How many lines were displayed<br>before the sed command exited?<br><br>You can use '''regular expressions''' to share your shell script with other usersselect lines that match a pattern. In fact, when they run the shell script<br>it will greet by the sed command was one of the <u>theirfirst</u> usernameLinux commands that used regular expression. Using <br><br>The rules remain the same for using regular expressions as demonstrated in '''tutorial 9'environment variables'' makes your shell script to <br>except the regular expression must be more contained within '''forward slashes'''<br>(eg. <span style="usablefont-family:courier;font-weight:bold;" by others.<br>/regexp/<br/span># Save your editing session and exit the text editor).<br><br>Instead of issuing [[Image:sed-4.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the sed command using regular expressions with '''bashanchors''' .]]# Issue the following Linux pipeline command followed by your shell script pathname as an ''argument'',:<br>let<span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed -n 's simply run it by its filename/^The/ p' data. This is the most common method of running shell scriptstxt | tee sed-6.txt</span><br><br>What do you notice?<br><br># Issue the following linux Linux pipeline command to run your shell script in your current directory:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sed -n '/d$/ p' data./hellotxt | tee sed-7.txt</span><br><br>You should What do you notice an error indicating you don?<br><br>The '''sed''' utility can also be used as a '''filter'''t have permissions to run the file.manipulate text that<br>You need to first add execute permissions prior to running the shell scriptwas generated from Linux commands.<br><br>[[Image:sed-5.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the sed command with '''pipeline''' commands.]]# Issue the following linux Linux pipeline command to add execute permissions for your shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">chmod u+x hellowho | sed -n '/^[a-m]/ p' | tee sed-8.txt | more</span><br><br>What did you notice?<br><br># Re-run your shell scriptIssue the following Linux pipeline command: <br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">ls | sed -n '/txt$/ p' | tee sed-9./hellotxt</span><br><br>Did What did you shell script runnotice?<br><br># Issue the following Linux command to run a checking script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">bash /home/murray.saul/scripts~uli101/week10week11-check-1</span><br><br># If you encounter errors, make corrections and '''re-run''' the checking script until you<br>until you receive a congratulations message, then you can proceed.<br><br>::In the next investigation, you will learn to create and run shell scripts that<br >use variables, positional and special parameters. You will also learn<br>how to add a '''she-bang line''' at the top of a shell script to force it to run in a specified shell.<br><br>
=INVESTIGATION 2: USING VARIABLES IN SHELL SCRIPTS = In this sectionthe next investigation, you will learn how to use variables, positional and special parameters to assist you in creating adaptable shell scriptsmanipulate text using the '''awk''' utility.<br><br>
In this investigation, you will learn how to use the awk utility to manipulate text and generate reports.
'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
# Confirm that Change to your '''home''' directory and issue a command to '''confirm'''<br>you are located in your '''home''' directory in your Matrix account.<br><br># Use Issue a text editor Linux command to edit the shell script create a directory called '''helloawk'''<br><br># Add the following line Issue a Linux command to the bottom of the file:<bru>change<span style="font-family:courier;">echo "The current shell /u> to the '''awk''' directory and confirm you are using is: $(ps -o cmd= -p $$|cut -dlocated in the '''awk'' ' -f1)"directory.<br></spanbr>Let's download a database file that contains information regarding classic cars.<br><br>'''NOTE:''' This # Issue the following linux command displays the ('''namecopy and paste''' of the ''shell'' that the shell scriptto save time):<br>is running within. The command within '''$( )''' uses a technique known as <span style="''command substitution''color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">wget <brnowiki>which you will learn about in '''week 12'''<br/nowiki><br/span><br><br># Issue the '''Savecat''' your editing changes and command to quickly view the contents of the '''exitcars.txt''' your text editorfile.<br><br># Issue the following linux The "'''print'''" action (command ) is the <u>default</u> action of awk to change to the print<br>all selected lines that match a '''Bourne Shellpattern''':.<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">sh</span>br>This '''action''' (contained in braces) can provide more options<br>such as printing '''specific fields''' of selected lines (or records) from a database.<br><br>You should notice your shell prompt change indicating you are in a different shell[[Image:awk-1.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the awk command to display matches of the pattern '''ford'''.<br><br>]]# Issue the following linux command all to run your shell script display all lines (i.e. records) in the ''Bourne Shell'cars.txt''' database that matches the pattern (or "make") called '''ford''':<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">awk '/ford/ {print}' cars./hellotxt</span><br><br>You should see that you are currently running the shell script in the We will use '''pipeline commands'Bourne'' both display stdout to the screen and save to files for <bru>confirmation<br/u>of running these pipeline commands when run a '''NOTE:checking-script''' Due later in this investigation.<br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command all to display records<br>in the fact that shells (and their features) have '''evolvedcars.txt''' over a period of time,<br>an error may occur if you include a ''NEWER'' shell feature database that contain the pattern (i.e.g. make) '''ford'Bash Shell'') in your shell script,:<br>but run it in an <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">awk '/ford/'OLDER'' shell (ecars.g. ''Bourne Shell'')txt | tee awk-1.txt</span><br><br>What do you notice? You can add a should notice ALL lines displayed <u>without</u> using '''special commentsearch criteria''' to the BEGINNING of the FIRST line of your shell script to.<br><br>You can use ''builtin''force''' it to run in variables''' with the shell you want (for example: the Bash shell)'''print''' command for further processing.<br>We will discuss the following variables in this tutorial:<br> # Edit your '''hello''' shell script using a text editor.<br><br># Insert the following line at [[Image:awk-2.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the awk command to print search results by '''beginningfield number''' of the .]]'''first$0''' - Current record (entire line of your hello file:)<br><span style="font'''$1''' -family:courier;">#!/bin/bash</span>First field in record<br><br>This is referred to as a '''she$n''' -bang line'''. It forces this script to be run nth field in the record<br>'''Bash ShellNR'''.- Record Number (order in database)<br>When your Bash Shell script finishes execution, you are returned to your '''NF''' - Number of fields in current shell that you are usingrecord<br><br>(which in our case in MatrixFor a listing of more variables, is still the Bash shell)please consult your course notes.<br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to display the '''model''', '''Saveyear''' your editing changes and , '''exitquantity''' your text editor.<br>and price<br># While in the Bourne shell, issue the following linux command'''cars.txt''' database for makes of '''chevy''':<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">.awk '/hello<chevy/span><br><{print $2,$3,$4,$5}' cars.txt | tee awk-2.txt</span><br>You should notice <br>Notice that the shell name is running in the a '''bashspace''' the delimiter for the fields that appear as standard output.<br><br> # It is a good idea to rename your shell script to include an The '''extensiontilde character''' to<br>explain that this is '''Bash Shell script~''' file (referred is used to as search for a "''portable Bash shell script''")pattern or display standard output for a particular field. <br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to rename your shell script file:<br>display all '''plymouths''' ('''plym''')<span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">mv hello hello.bash</spanbr>by '''model name''', '''price''' and '''quantity''':<br><br># Run your renamed shell script for confirmation by issuing:<br><span stylespan style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">.awk '$1 ~ /hello.bash<plym/span><br>{print $2,$3,$4,$5}' cars.txt | tee awk-3.txt</span><br># Enter the following linux command to return to your Bash shell: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">exitbr>You can also use '''comparison operators''' to specify conditions for processing with matched patterns</spanbr>when using the awk command. Since they are used WITHIN the awk expression,<br>they are not confused with redirection symbols<br>Let's use some '''ENVIRONMENT variables''' in our Bash Shell script.<br><br># Use a text editor [[Image:awk-3.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the awk command to edit the shell script called display results based on '''comparison operators'''hello.bash]]'''<br><br># Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Less than<br>'''<span style="font-family:courier''' &nbsp;&nbsp;">echoLess than or equal<br>echo "The current directory location is: $PWD"<br'''>echo "The current user home directory is: $HOME''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Greater than<br>echo</span'''>=''' &nbsp;&nbsp;Greater than or equal<br>'''==''' &nbsp;&nbsp;Equal<br># Save your editing changes and exit your text editor.'''!=''' &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not equal<br><br># Run your renamed shell script for confirmation by issuing:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./hello.bash</span>Issue the following linux pipeline command to display display the '''car make''', '''model''', '''quantity''' and '''price''' of all vehicles whose '''prices are less than $5,000''':<br><brspan style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">Take time to view the output and the values of the environment variablesawk '$5 < 5000 {print $1,$2,$4,$5}' cars.txt | tee awk-4.txt</span><br><br># Issue What do you notice?<br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to add your current directory to the display display '''PATHprice''' environment variable:,<br><span style="color'''quantity''', '''model''' and '''car make''' of vehicles whose '''prices are less than $5,000''':blue;<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">PATH=awk '$5 < 5000 {print $5,$4,$2,$PATH:1}' cars.txt | tee awk-5.txt</span><br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to confirm that display the current directory "." has been added to the PATH environment variable:'''car make''',<br><span style="color'''year''' and '''quantity''' of cars that '''begin''' with the '''letter 'f'''':blue;font<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">echo awk '$1 ~ /^f/ {print $PATH1,$2,$4}' cars.txt | tee awk-6.txt</span><br><br># Issue [[Image:awk-4.png|thumb|right|400px|Using the following awk command to run your Bash shell script just by name:display combined search results based on '''compound operators'''.]]Combined pattern searches can be made<br><span style="color:blue;font-weightby using '''compound operator''' symbols:bold;font-family:courier;">hello.bash</span><br><br>Did your Bash shell script run?<br><br># Exit your Matrix session, and log back into your Matrix session.<br><br># Re-run the '''hello.bash&&'''' shell script by just using the name.<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(and)<br>What did you notice?<br><br>The setting of the '''PATH||''' environment variable only worked in the current session only.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(or)<br>If you exit the current Matrix session, then the recently changed settings for environment variables will be lost.<br>You will in a <u>future</u> tutorial how # Issue the following linux pipeline command to set environment variables in list all '''start-upfords''' files.<br>whose '''price is greater than $10,000''':<br><span style="color:redblue;"font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">awk '$1 ~ /ford/ && $5 > 10000 {print $0}''ATTENTION:''' Students will get FRUSTRATED when performing their cars.txt | tee awk-7.txt</span><br><br># Issue the following linux command ('''assignment 3copy and paste''' when their Bash shell scripts have errors. One major cause is the the OUTPUT of their Bash shell script when run does not '''EXACTLY match''' the required output for the correct Bash shell scriptto save time):<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">wget <nowiki> This requires that you CAREFULLY '''read''' the requirements of your Bash shell script and create it to the EXACT specificationssaul/uli101/cars2.txt</nowiki></span><br><br># Issue the following Linux '''cat''' command to run a checking script:quickly view the contents of the '''cars2.txt''' file.<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;"br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to display the '''year'''<br>bash /home/murray.saul/scripts/week10-check-2 | more</span><br><br># If you encounter errors, make corrections and and '''quantity''re-run' of cars that '''begin''' with the '''letter 'f'''' for the checking script until you<br>receive a congratulations message, then you can proceed.<br><br>Let's create a Bash shell script that contain '''user-created variablescars2.txt'''.database:<br><br># Use a text editor to create a Bash shell script called '''userspan style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-variables.bash'family:courier;">awk '$1 ~ /^f/ {print $2,$4}'cars2.txt | tee awk-8.txt<br/span><br># Add the following lines to the beginning of this file:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bashWhat did you notice?<br>age=25<br>readonly age<br>read -p "Enter your Full Name" name<br>read The problem is that the '''cars2.txt''' database separates each field by a semi-p "Enter your age colon (in years''';'''): " age<bru>echo "Hello $name - You are $age years old"</spaninstead</u>of '''TAB'''.<br><br># Save your editing changes Therefore, it does not recognize the second and exit your text editorfourth fields.<br><br>You need to issue awk with the -F option to indicate that this file's fields are separated (delimited) by a semi-colorn.<br><br># Issue the following linux pipeline command to display the '''chmodyear''' command to add execute permissions for the user for <br>and '''quantity''' of cars that '''begin''' with the '''user-variables.bashletter 'f'''' file.<br><br># Issue for the following to run the user-variables'''cars2.bash Bash shell scripttxt''' database:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./userawk -variables.bashF";" '$1 ~ /^f/ {print $2,$4}' cars2.txt | tee awk-9.txt</span><br><br>What do did you notice when you try to change the age variable? Whythis time?<br><br># Use a text editor Issue the following to create run a file called '''parameters.bash'''<br><br># Add the following lines to the beginning of this filechecking script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">#!~uli101/binweek11-check-2</bash<brspan>echo \$0: $0<br>echo \$2: $2<br>echo \$3: $3If you encounter errors, make corrections and '''re-run''' the checking script until you<br><br>echo \$#: $#<br>echo \$*: $*<br><br>shift 2<br>echo \$#: $#<br>echo \$*: $*</span><br><br># Save your editing changes and exit your text editor.<br><br>Notice how the quoting character "'''\'''" is used to display positional parameters like "'''$2'''"<br>as opposed to the value stored in the <u>second</u> positional parameter.<br><br># Issue the '''chmod''' command to add execute permissions for the user for the '''parameters.bash''' file.<br><br># Issue the following to run the '''user-variables.bash''' Bash shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./parameters.bash</span><br><br>What happened?<br><br>The values for the parameters may not be displayed properly since receive a congratulations message, then you did NOT provide any arguments when running the shell script.<br><br># Issue the following to run the user-variables.bash Bash shell script with arguments:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">can proceed./parameters.bash 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8</span><br><br>Take some time to view the results and how the parameters are changed when using the shift command. What do you notice?<br>
In the next investigationThe purpose of this section is to obtain '''extra practice''' to help with '''quizzes''', your '''midterm''', you will use control-flow statements to allow and your shell scripts to perform differently under different situations'''final exam'''.
Here is a link to the MS Word Document of ALL of the questions displayed below but with extra room to answer on the document to
simulate a quiz:
=INVESTIGATION 3: COMMAND SUBSTITUTION / MATH OPERATIONS=Your instructor may take-up these questions during class. It is up to the student to attend classes in order to obtain the answers to the following questions. Your instructor will NOT provide these answers in any other form (eg. e-mail, etc).
In this section, you will learn how to use '''command substitution''' and '''math operations''' in your shell scripts.
'''Review Questions:'''
'''Command SubstitutionPart A: Display Results from Using the sed Utility'''
Command Substitution is a method of running a Linux command that provides Note the contents from the following tab-delimited file called '''stdout'''<br>that is used as ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt'''argument:(sthis file pathname exists for checking your work)''' for <u>another</u> Linux command.
Line one.
This is the second line.
This is the third.
This is line four.
Line six follows
Followed by 7
Now line 8
and line nine
Finally, line 10
''For example:''
<span style="fontWrite the results of each of the following Linux commands for the above-familymentioned file:courier;font-weight:bold;">echo "The current date and time is: $(date)"</span>
Let# <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">sed -n '3,6 p's create a Bash shell script that uses command substitution that displays~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">sed '4 q'~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">sed 'text/the/ d''' and values of '''environment variables''' in a series of ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold;">echosed 's/line/NUMBER/g' ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span> statements.
'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
# Confirm that you are located in your '''homePart B: Writing Linux Commands Using the sed Utility''' directory in your Matrix account.<br><br>
=INVESTIGATION 4: USING CONTROL FLOW STATEMENTS =Write a single Linux command to perform the specified tasks for each of the following questions.
In this section, you will learn how to use control-flow statements to make your shell script behave differently under different situation.
# Write a Linux sed command to display only lines 5 to 9 for the file: '''~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt'''<br><br>
# Write a Linux sed command to display only lines the begin the pattern “and” for the file: '''~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt'''<br><br>
# Write a Linux sed command to display only lines that end with a digit for the file: '''~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt'''<br><br>
# Write a Linux sed command to save lines that match the pattern “line” (upper or lowercase) for the file: '''~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt''' and save results (overwriting previous contents) to: '''~/results.txt'''<br><br>
'''Perform Part C: Writing Linux Commands Using the Following Steps:awk Utility'''
: Before learning about logic and loop control-flow statements, you need to first learn about issuing test conditions using Note the '''test''' command.<br><br># Confirm that you are located in your '''home''' directory in your Matrix account.<br><br># Issue the following linux commands at the Bash shell prompt to assign values to several variables:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">course="ULI101"<br>number1=5<br>number2=10</span><br><br># Issue the following linux command to test a condition:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">test $course = "ULI101"</span><br><br>The '''$?''' variable is used to store an exit status of the previously command issued (including the test command). If the status is '''zero''', then it indicates a TRUE value and if the status is '''non-zero''', then it indicates a FALSE value.<br><br># Issue contents from the following linux command to view the status of the previouslytab-issued '''test''' command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">echo $?</span><br><br>Based on its value, is the result TRUE or FALSE?<br><br># Issue the following linux command to test another condition:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">test $course = "uli101"</span><br><br># Issue the following linux command to view the status of the previously-issued '''test''' command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">echo $?</span><br><br>The value is non-zero (FALSE) since UPPERCASE characters are different than lowercase characters.<br><br># Issue the following linux command to test another condition:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">test $course != "uli101"</span><br><br># Issue a linux command to display the value of '''$?'''. What is the result? Why?<br><br># Issue the following linux command to test a condition involving numbers:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">test $number1 > $number2</span><br><br># Issue a linux command to display the value of '''$?'''. '''NOTE:''' You will notice that something is '''wrong'''.<br>The exit status '''$?''' shows a zero (TRUE) value, but the number 5 is definitely NOT greater than 10.<br>The problem is that the symbols '''&lt;''' and '''&gt;''' are interpreted as REDIRECTION symbols!<br><br># To prove this, issue the following linux command :<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">ls 10</span><br><br>You should notice a delimited file called "'''10'''"~murray. The incorrectly issued '''test''' command used redirect to create an empty file instead,<br> which indeed succeeded just giving a TRUE value!<br><br>To prevent problems when issuing the '''test''' command when comparing numbers, you can use the following options:<br>'''-lt''' (&lt;), '''-le''' (&lt;&#61;), '''-gt''' (&gt;), '''-ge''' (&gt;&#61;;), '''-eq''' (&#61;), '''-ne''' (!&#61;)<br><br># Issue the correct linux command to properly test both values:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">test $number1 -gt $number2<saul/span><br><br># Issue a linux command to display the value of '''$?'''.<br>You should notice that the exit status value is now FALSE which is the correct result.<br><br># The '''test''' command can be abbreviated by the square brackets '''&#91; &#93;''' which contain the test condition within the square brackets. You need to have spaces between the brackets and the test condition; otherwise, you will get a test error.<br><br># To generate a '''test error''', copy and paste the following '''test''' command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">&#91;$number1 -gt $number2&#93;<uli101/span><br><br>You should notice an test error messagestuff.<br><br># Copy and paste the following (correct) txt'''test''' command:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">&#91; $number1 -gt $number2 &#93;</span><br><br>Issue a command to view the value of the exit status of the previously issued '''test''' command. You should notice that is works properly.<br><br>'''Let's now learn about control-flow statements:'''<br><br>'''Logic statements''' are used to create different paths or directions based on the result of testing conditions. In this tutorial, we will only focus on the '''if''' logic statement.<br><br># Use a text editor like vi or nano to create the text file called '''if-1.bash''' (eg. <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">vi if-1.bash</span>)<br><br>If you are using the nano text editor, refer to notes on text editing in a previous week in the course schedule.<br><br># Enter the following lines in your shell script:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bash<br>clear<br>num1=5<br>num2=10<br>if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ]<br>then<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo "Greater Than"<br>fi</span><br><br># Save your editing session and exit the text editor (eg. with vi: press '''ESC''', then type ''':wx''' followed by '''ENTER''').<br><br># Issue the following linux command to add execute permissions for your shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">chmod u+x if-1.bash</span><br><br># Run your shell script by issuing: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./if-1.bash</span><br><br>Confirm that the output indicated a correct result.<br><br># Use a text editor like vi or nano to create the text file called '''if-2.bash''' (eg. <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">vi if-2.bash</span>)<br><br>If you are using the nano text editor, refer to notes on text editing in a previous week in the course schedule.<br><br># Enter the following lines in your shell script:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bash<br>clear<br>read -p "Enter the first number: " num1<br>read -p "Enter the second number: " num2<br>if [ $num1 -gt $num2 ]<br>then<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo "The first number is greater than the second number."<br>fi</span><br><br># Save your editing session and exit the text editor (eg. with vi: press '''ESC''', then type ''':wx''' followed by '''ENTER''').<br><br># Issue the following linux command to add execute permissions for your shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">chmod u+x if-2.bash</span><br><br># Run your shell script by issuing: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./if-2.bash</span><br><br>Confirm that the output indicated a correct result.<br><br>What happens when you enter a first number that is less than or equal to the second number? We will learn about if-else and if-elif-else statements in a couple of weeks.<br><br>'''Loop statements''' are used to provide repetition in a shell script. In this tutorial, we will only focus on the '''for''' loop statement.<br><br># Use a text editor like vi or nano to create the text file called '''for-1.bash''' (eg. <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">vi for-1.bash</span>)<br><br>If you are using the nano text editor, refer to notes on text editing in a previous week in the course schedule.<br><br># Enter the following lines in your shell script:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bash<br>echo<br>for x in 5 4 3 2 1<br>do<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $x<br>done<br>echo "blast-off!"<br>echo</span><br><br># Save your editing session and exit the text editor (eg. with vi: press '''ESC''', then type ''':wx''' followed by '''ENTER''').<br><br># Issue the following linux command to add execute permissions for your shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">chmod u+x for-1.bash</span><br><br># Run your shell script by issuing: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./for-1.bash</span><br><br># Use a text editor like vi or nano to create the text file called '''for-2.bash''' (eg. <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">vi for-2.bash</span>)<br><br>If you are using the nano text editor, refer to notes on text editing in a previous week in the course schedule.<br><br># Enter the following lines in your shell script:<br><span style="font-family:courier;">#!/bin/bash<br>echo<br>for x<br>do<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;echo $x<br>done<br>echo "blast-off!"<br>echo</span><br><br># Save your editing session and exit the text editor (eg. with vi: press '''ESC''', then type ''':wx''' followed by '''ENTER''').<br><br># Issue the following linux command to add execute permissions for your shell script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">chmod u+x for-2.bash</span><br><br># Run your shell script by issuing: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">./pathname exists for-2.bash 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1</span><br><br>How does this differ from the previous shell script?<br><br>You will learn in a couple of weeks more examples of using loop statements.<br><br>Let's run a '''checking-script''' to confirm that both your '''for-1.bash''' and '''for-2.bash'''<br>Bash shell scripts exist, have execute permissions, and when run, produce<br>the same OUTPUT as required in this tutorial's instructions.<br><br># Issue the following Linux command to run a checking script:<br><span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold;font-family:courier;">bash /home/murray.saul/scripts/week10-check-3 | more</span><br><br># If you encounter errors, make corrections and '''re-run''' the checking script until you<br>receive a congratulations message, then you can proceed.<br><br>Let's create a Bash shell script that contain '''user-created variables'''.<br><br># After you complete the Review Questions sections to get additional practice, then work on your '''online assignment 3''',<br>'''sections 2 and 3''' labelled '''Interactive Shell Environment''' and '''Introduction To Scripting (phone)'''.<br><br>
= LINUX PRACTICE QUESTIONS =<pre>Line one.The purpose of this section This is to obtain '''extra practice''' to help with '''quizzes''', your '''midterm''', and your '''final exam'''the second line.This is the third.Here This is a link to the MS Word Document of ALL of the questions displayed below but with extra room to answer on the document toline four.Five.Line six followsFollowed by 7Now line 8and line nineFinally, line 10simulate a quiz:</pre>
Your instructor may take-up these questions during class. It is up to '''Write the student to attend classes in order to obtain results of each of the answers to following Linux commands for the following questions. Your instructor will NOT provide these answers in any other form (eg. eabove-mail, etc).mentioned file:'''
'''Review Questions# <span style="font-family:'''courier;font-weight:bold">awk ‘NR == 3 {print}’ ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">awk ‘NR >= 2 && NR <= 5 {print}’ ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">awk ‘$1 ~ /This/ {print $2}’ ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br># <span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold">awk ‘$1 ~ /This/ {print $3,$2}’ ~murray.saul/uli101/stuff.txt</span><br><br>
'''PART APart D: WRITE BASH SHELL SCRIPT CODEWriting Linux Commands Using the awk Utility'''
'''Write the answer to each question below the question in the space provided.'''
Write a single Linux command to perform the specified tasks for each of the following questions.
# Write a Bash shell script that clears the screen and displays the text Hello World on the screen.<br><br>What permissions are required to run this Bash shell script?<br><br>What are the different ways that you can run this Bash shell script from the command line?<br><br>
# Write a Bash shell script that clears the screen, prompts the user for their '''full name''' and then prompts the user for their '''age''',<br>then clears the screen again and welcomes the user by their name and tells them their age.<br><br>What comments would you add to the above script’s contents to properly document this Bash shell script to be understood<br>for those users that would read / edit this Bash shell script’s contents?<br><br>
# Write a Bash shell script that will first set the value of a variable called '''number''' to '''23''' and make this variable '''read-only'''.<br>Then the script will clear the screen and prompt the user to enter a value for that variable called number to another value.<br>Have the script display the value of the variable called number to prove that it is a read-only variable.<br><br>When you ran this Bash shell script, did you encounter an error message?<br>How would you run this Bash shell script, so the error message was NOT displayed?<br><br>
# Write a Bash shell script that will clear the screen and then display all arguments that were entered after your Bash shell script when it was run. Also have the Bash shell script display the number of arguments that were entered after your Bash shell script.<br><br><br>
# Write a Linux awk command to display all records for the file: '''~/cars'''PART Bwhose fifth field is greater than 10000.<br><br># Write a Linux awk command to display the first and fourth fields for the file: WALK-THRUS'''~/cars''' whose fifth field begins with a number.<br><br># Write a Linux awk command to display the second and third fields for the file: '''~/cars''' for records that match the pattern “chevy”.<br><br># Write a Linux awk command to display the first and second fields for all the records contained in the file: '''~/cars'''<br><br>
'''Write the expected output from running each of the following Bash shell scripts You can assume that these Bash shell script files have execute permissions. Show your work.'''
:'''Walkthru #1:'''
:'''cat walkthru1.bash'''
echo “The combined word is: $word2$word1”
:'''Walkthru #2:'''
:'''cat walkthru2.bash'''
echo “result1: $1”
echo “result2: $2”
echo “result3: $3”
echo “result 4:”
echo “$*”
:'''./walkthru2.bash apple orange banana'''