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Tutorial6: File Transfer / Sending Email Messages

58 bytes added, 13:57, 25 January 2021
Using a Graphical sftp Application in MS Windows
# On your Windows desktop, point and double-click on the<br>'''SSH Secure file Transfer''' application icon.<br><br>
# The main Secure Shell SFTP application window will occur. Click on the '''Quick Connect''' button.<br><br>'''NOTE:''' The Connect dialog box allows the user to specify the '''server name'''<br>and your '''account name''' to allow you to connect to the server.<br><br>
# Click on the textbox labelled '''Hostname''' and type the text: <span style="color:blue;font-weight:bold"></span><br><br>
# Click on the textbox labelled '''User Name''' and type your Seneca username<br>(i.e. same as your Seneca userid.<br><br>