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CDOT News 1

469 bytes added, 09:14, 19 March 2008
OCE ''Connections'' Grant
=== Mozilla internships ===
* Lukkas, Armen, Anthony (Songbird) - confirmed MozCo Mozilla internships in CA
* Mozilla is seeking three more interns
=== Five Seneca Students Help Ensure Firefox Extensions are Ready for Firefox 3 ===
The Firefox web browser can be customized and enhanced with powerful, easy-to-install 'extensions'. Extensions are one of the key factors in the browser's success.
Mozilla has hired five Seneca students on a part-time basis to review and test extensions to ensure compatibility with the upcoming release of Firefox 3.
* 2 new courses on Moz dev - DPS911/OSD700 - take to new level== Two New Mozilla Development Courses Started ==
=== OCE Two new professional option courses have been created to enable students to continue the development of projects started in the DPS909 (BSD) and OSD600 (CPA) 'Connections' Grant ===Topics in Open Source Development'' courses. The ''Open Source Project'' courses, led by David Humphrey, are DPS911 and OSD700.
The Ontario Centres of Excellence (== OCE) ''Connections' program has provided a total of $14K in matching grants to support four team projects working on various Mozilla technologies.' Grant ==
=== Working with Brendan from DMA - DMA+Open Source ===The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) ''Connections'' program has provided a total of $14K in matching grants to support four team projects working on various Mozilla technologies. This funding has been used to purchase some equipment and time on the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) compute farm.
=== 21 node Build Farm (Try Server) =Working with Brendan from DMA - DMA+Open Source ==
=== CDOT Sets Up on First Floor of TEL Building =21 node Build Farm (Try Server) ==
CDOT now has == 3D in the use of nine cubicles on the first floor of the TEL building. Six of these cubicles have been set up for Mozilla developmentBrowser: four have quad-core, dual-screen Windows/Linux systems, C3DL and two have large-screen Mac Mini systems. The remaining cubicles will be used for the CATGeames project.CATGames ==
=== Demand for Open Source Students Outstrips Supply ===* Cathy at GDC* Part-time hires* Collaboration with other institutions
* More stuff than students - 6 fulltime positions== CDOT Sets Up on First Floor of TEL Building ==
== 3D in CDOT now has the use of nine cubicles on the first floor of the BrowserTEL building. Six of these cubicles have been set up for Mozilla development: C3DL four have quad-core, dual-screen Windows/Linux systems, and CATGames two have large-screen Mac Mini systems. The remaining cubicles will be used for the CATGeames project. == Demand for Open Source Students Outstrips Supply ==
* Cathy at GDCMore demand than students - 6 fulltime positions unfilled
== Links ==
* CDOT web site
=== How to Connect to Get Involved with Open Source at Seneca ===
* (Getting on IRC)
=== On the Radar ===
* OOo