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Tutorial8: Links / Process Management

18 bytes added, 16:04, 5 February 2020
# Write a single Linux command to terminal a process that has the following PID: '''22384'''
# Use the following diagram to answer the accompanying questions.<br>Each of the following questions will use the diagram below and are treated as independent situations.<br><br><span style="font-family:courier;font-weight:bold;">[1]&nbsp; Stopped vim a<br>[2]- Stopped vim b<br>[3]+ Stopped vim c</span><br><br>Write a single Linux command to bring the second-recently process placed in the background into the foreground.<br>Write a single Linux command to terminate the '''job #3'''.<br><br>
# Write a linux command to create an '''alias ''' called '''ld''' that issues the command: '''ls -ld'''# Write a linux command to unset the '''alias ''' created in the previous question.# issue a Linux command to list '''history ''' of commands that match the pattern called '''touch'''.
# Create a '''table''' listing each Linux command, useful options and command purpose for the following Linux commands:<br>'''ln''' , '''ps''' , '''top''' , '''fg''' , '''bg''' , '''jobs''' , '''kill''' , '''alias''' , '''unalias''' , '''history'''