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6502 Emulator

153 bytes added, 10:26, 11 January 2020
There are four peripherals available:
* a one-byte pseudo-random number generator (''PRNG'') at $fe
* a single-key buffer $ff - if you write to this address, it will remain unchanged until a new keypress is received. Printable characters plus Return/Enter and Backspace are reported as ASCII codes; cursor keys are reported as $80=up, $81=right, $82=down, $83=left.* a 32x32 pixel bitmapped display at $0200-$05ff, with one byte per pixel. The lowest four bits of each pixel byte select one of 16 colours.
* an 80x25 character display at $f000-$7cff, with one byte per pixel. Printable ASCII characters will be displayed. If the high-order bit is set, the character will be shown in <span style="background: black; color: white;">&nbsp;reverse video&nbsp;</span>.
For more details, press the <code>Notes</code> button in the emulator.
== Example Code ==
See the [[6502 Emulator Example Code]] page.