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166 bytes added, 01:36, 7 April 2019
Assignment 3
- Parallel Bubble Sort & its implementation
- Race Conditions
- We CANNOT do Insertion sort in parallel (Confirmed!)
- Sequencing issues will be caused for coalesced hardware when acceding array elements 0 & 1 in thread 0, accessing 2 & 3 in thread 1 (Issue with shared memory & why we avoided it).
- Blocks will run in random orders (One of the reasons why we encountered an error with the single kernel with a for loop inside odd-even approach). We were able make small numbers work & it was much faster but for big numbers approximately 1 percent of the array size would be incorrectly sorted.
- Algorithms with alot of branching and are VERY sequential are not suitable for the GPU.
- We came across some interesting sorting algorithms (Bucket, radix, rank, hyper quick and merge sort) which are better options than the parallel bubble sort.