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44 bytes added, 10:23, 28 November 2018
Interpreting results
*Version 2 – the matrix multiplication logic is still inside the parallel for statement, but it is being dynamically scheduled and certain variables are selected to be private or shared.
 '''[ Example Code]'''
Determining the results from VTune will be a different process for your program then mine.
To be success full successful make sure to read through the results and look for anomalies.
'''Example of anomalies:'''
First of all you need to have Intel parallel XE installed on your machine it will allows you to have access to tools such as Intel Advisor, Vtune Amplifier and Inspector on top of your Visual Studio window.
Lets start by creating a project on Visual Studio, I am using a sample code from Intel Advisor folder which they provide different samples for you to test the functionality of it. They can be found under <Your-Installed-Directory>\IntelSWTools\Advisor 2019\samples\en. I am using the "nqueens_Advisor" one. After choosing your project build the solution and look the following Icon from the image below
==='''How it works'''===