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Mmullin & Cesar's conversation while debugging Prism

65 bytes removed, 16:12, 6 November 2007
Formatted chat, feel free to revert
[2:13p]cesar:its the prism extension. I just need someone to follow some steps and tell me if anything doesn't work[2:14p]mmullin:ok... I am at your disposal[2:15p]cesar:awesome. I uploaded the extension to matrix :[2:16p] cesar:you may have to save to disk and open it from firefox. Matrix doesn't handle .xpi files properly[2:16p]mmullin:you want me to use ff trunk or ff2?[2:16p]cesar:ff trunk, sorry[2:17p]mmullin:ok, installed nicely[2:17p]cesar:nice[2:17p]mmullin:next?[2:18p]cesar:I put quick test procedure on pastebin :[2:18p] cesar:just runs through the funcitonality[2:18p] cesar:let me know if anything is unclear or if something isn't working quite right[2:19p]mmullin:step 4 has 1 error[2:19p]cesar:what's the error?[2:19p]mmullin:I cannot open both gmail and gcal at the same time[2:20p] mmullin:"Close Prism" "A copy of Prism is already open. Only one copy of Prism can be open at a time."[2:20p]cesar:ah. Yeah, I got that error message before on Linux. Doesn't happen on Windows. What happens if you wait a few seconds before trying to open up gcalendar?[2:21p]mmullin:want me to try again?[2:21p]cesar:yes[2:21p] cesar:how recent is trunk btw?[2:22p]mmullin:actually I just made a fresh build and need to restart[2:22p]cesar:ah :)[2:24p]mmullin:I cannot open both webapp(s) at the same time cesar[2:25p]cesar:ok. Thanks. I'll make a note of it. Can you continue with the rest?[2:25p]mmullin:ok, moving on[2:25p] mmullin:how do I install gcalendar to my doc?[2:25p]cesar:on the bottom right of the prism app, there should be a gear image[2:26p]mmullin:ok[2:28p] mmullin:having trouble launching this way[2:28p]cesar:what's up?[2:28p]mmullin:well, I run the applicaiton, but nothing happens[2:28p] mmullin:this is both with minefield running, and minefield closed[2:29p]cesar:is this on the doc?[2:29p] cesar:s/doc/dock/[2:29p]mmullin:well the dock is a sort of 'alias' system[2:29p] mmullin:its like a shortcut to your 'start menu'[2:29p] mmullin:from my "application folder"[2:29p] mmullin:and I am running from my application folder[2:30p] mmullin:shall I move on to step 7?[2:30p]cesar:can you tell what command its trying to run when you click on the 'shortcut' (not sure of what to call it)[2:31p]mmullin:um.... is the only info I have that way (thats what I saved it as).... I can try running one of the internals of the .app from within[2:31p] mmullin:perhaps I should save it as gcal.webapp[2:32p]cesar:hmm[2:32p] cesar:are .app files directories?[2:32p]mmullin:which I cant... when I name it gcal.webapp, it is stored as (within my application folder)[2:33p]cesar:heh[2:33p]mmullin:yes .app files are directories[2:33p] mmullin:I'll try installing to the desktop rather than app folder[2:34p] mmullin:ok same, "non-result"[2:34p] mmullin:want me to try running from command line?[2:34p]cesar:that ain't good[2:34p] cesar:I'm just wondering what command it is running[2:34p]mmullin:I cant tell you by just clicking... I have to look in the .app file[2:34p]cesar:or trying to rather[2:35p]mmullin:ok, interesting error message from command line[2:35p]cesar:ooh[2:35p] cesar:do tell[2:35p]mmullin:iSchool:MacOS coren$ ./gcal [2:35p] mmullin:Couldn't read application.iniiSchool:MacOS coren$ [2:36p]cesar:ok. That gives me a hint[2:36p]mmullin:iSchool:MacOS coren$ ./gcal [2:36p] mmullin:Couldn't read application.iniiSchool:MacOS coren$ ls[2:36p] mmullin:gcal[2:36p] mmullin:iSchool:MacOS coren$ ls -a[2:36p] mmullin:. .. gcal[2:36p] mmullin:iSchool:MacOS coren$ pwd[2:36p] mmullin:uggg, let me pastebin that last message[2:37p] mmullin:[2:37p]cesar:can you display the contents of gcal (I don't think its an executable)[2:38p]mmullin:its a script?[2:38p]cesar:I believe so[2:38p]mmullin:added to pastebin 235152[2:39p]cesar:hmm, not seeing it[2:39p] cesar:235153[2:39p]mmullin:steps[2:39p]• mmullin scratches head and realize he doesn't really understand pastebin[2:40p]• mmullin appologises[2:40p]cesar:that's ok[2:40p] cesar:after -app, there is a path. Does that path exist (or at what point does it stop existing?)[2:40p]mmullin:checking[2:41p] mmullin:yes... the path && the file application.ini exist[2:42p]cesar:is the path to firefox correct as well?[2:43p]mmullin:I believe so... double checking[2:43p] mmullin:unless there is a syntax error[2:43p] mmullin:there is no syntax error... the path to firefox is correct[2:43p]cesar:its strange that it says it cannot read application.ini even when it exists[2:44p]mmullin:I wonder if I have /bin/sh though[2:44p] mmullin:yes /bin/sh exists[2:46p]cesar:what happens if you put single quotes around the path to application.ini, does that change anything?[2:47p]mmullin:I ran from the command line[2:47p] mmullin:and yes, the quotes make a difference (a working difference)[2:47p] mmullin:testing from within the script[2:47p]cesar:ooooh[2:48p]mmullin:success all around[2:49p]cesar:awesome[2:49p]mmullin:ok moving on to step 7[2:49p]cesar:yep. You can skip step 11 since it won't work. But please verify that it does exist[2:52p]mmullin:same problem/solution with Project[2:52p]cesar:yeah. I expect that since you had the problem with gcal as well[2:52p]mmullin:step 11... I cannot run Project and at the same time[2:52p] mmullin:"only one copy of prism... blah blah blah"[2:53p]cesar:lol. ok. Thanks a lot mike. I really appreciate the time you spent to help me fix this :)[2:53p]mmullin:np... glad to be of service[2:53p] mmullin:and now I have a gutenberg app:)[2:54p] mmullin:mind if I post our conversation to get me some class credit?[2:54p]cesar:absolutely. Go right ahead