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OPS235 Short-Term

827 bytes added, 20:05, 1 July 2018
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# VMware on Linux requires Secure Boot to be disabled on the Linux host otherwise VMware cannot run CentOS VMs: [ [ Comment #5 talks about disabling Secure Boot to make VMware on Linux boot VMs] ].
= Current: Summer 2018 Semester =# '''A quick note about replacing firewalld with iptables: ''I've found that disabling firewalld isn't always enough.'' ''' Certain processes and packages can re-enable firewalld automatically and without notice. When this happens, though firewalld and iptables are both set to start with the system, firewalld takes precedence. Iptables will never start up. This can cause problems for students, as firewalld can interfere with some of our labs and they assume firewalld is disabled at this point. I recommend we amend Lab 1 to instruct students to fully remove firewalld from their systems. I also recommend checking status of firewalld be part of your troubleshooting toolbox when helping students with strange issues. --Chris Johnson = Winter 2018 Semester =# It appears that doing yum update after May 2018 reintroduces the GRUB issue mentioned in '''#3''' of '''Fall 2017''' below for removable HDD on HP machines. A possible solution , since the one proposed in the earlier solution does not work, might be (to be confirmed whether the solution linked to here resolves the issue)
= Fall 2017 Semester=