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OPS335 - Assignment 1 (Part 1)

217 bytes removed, 11:07, 20 January 2019
General Requirements
'''Weight''': '''3%''' of the overall grade
'''Due Date(Winter 2019)''': During '''Week 54''' (in class)
== Detailed Requirements ==
* Assign a newly-created virtual network the name: '''335assign''', and set '''forwarding to any physical device'''<br>(refer to [ lab setup]. You can have have 2 different network names: "335assign" and "ops335" without causing any problems).
* Addresses in this network will start with '''172.1719.401'''. The subnet mask must be ''''''
* There must '''<u>NOT</u>''' be a DHCP server running for this network!
* All the machines for this assignment will be connected to your newly-created virtual network called: '''335assign'''
Details for the cloning-source
#The name of this cloning-source VM will be called: '''minnowblofeld'''.#You should use the options that you used in your lab1 to setup the static network, plus you should use the DOMAIN parameter to set the '''speciesbond.lakevillains.ops''' domain for your cloning-source.
#The VM should have a command-line interface only.
#Configure it to be a good cloning-source, '''making certain that the cloning-source has all the following elements prior to cloning:'''
::*Don't make the virtual drive too big: you will need space for it as well as space for the clones you from your cloning-source<br>('''5 GB''' should be enough for any cloning-source and clone VM that you create for this assignment).
::*The hostname for this server will be called: '''minnowblofeld'''
::*Make certain that you can login to your cloning-source.
::*Configure your network interface for this cloning-source with a '''static''' configuration and is connected to the '''335assign''' network. Refer to the table below for IP address and hostname.<br>
| style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | (your existing host / source)
| style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | External Facing Address:''' DHCP assigned'''<br>Internal Virtual Bridge (virbr1):''' 172.1719.401.1'''
| style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | Your '''host''' machine
| style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | '''minnowblofeld.speciesbond.lakevillains.ops''' | style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | '''172.1719.401.100'''
| style="background-color:#66cccc; border: 2px solid black;" | '''Cloning-source''' used to create other servers for other assignments.
<ol><li value="5">Make certain your cloning-source can connect to the Internet using the newer static configuration.</li><li>Run a '''yum update''' for this cloning-source.</li><li>Make certain that SELinux is set to '''enforcing'''.</li><li>Set up an SSH server on this "cloning-source".</li><li> Make sure that '''PermitRootLogin''' is set to '''yes''' for this server.</li><li>Make certain that only the root account is permitted to login using key authentication. If other users are required to be created in a later assignment, they should be permitted to log in with their username and password.</li><li>Copy the same public key (already generated for your '''Host Machine''' for your '''root''' account in lab1) to the '''root''' account on your cloning-source.</li><li>Test to make certain that you can login from root on your host machine to your root account on the cloning-course ("minnowblofeld") without being prompted for a pass-phrase.</li><li>If you have created a '''regular user''' when you installed this machine, '''delete that regular user''' (make certain to '''remove the regular user's home directory!''').</li></ol>
=== Set-up Firewall Rules for your Cloning-Source===
:::<li>The host machine (and <b>only</b> the host machine) must be able to ssh to that cloning-source VM.</li>
:::<li>ICMP traffic is allowed if it originated with the <b>local network only</b>.</li>
:::<li>As this is acting as the secure basis for later machines, no other traffic should be allowed, and no response should be sent if any other traffic is received.</li>
*'''Demonstrate working assignment to your instructor in class:'''<ol type="a"><li>Students need to demonstrate their assignment functionality to their professor during a lab period (like you would for any lab for "sign-off").</li><li>Students are required to prepare everything ahead of time so that you can quickly demonstrate to your instructor that all required parts of your assignment are working.</li><li>'''Do not proceed to the next step''' until you have demonstrated your assignment to your instructor to check for errors that may cause problems when running the checking script.<br><br></li></ol>
*Download and run a shell script to check your work (Depending on your OPS335 Instructor):
 ::'''Peter Callaghan's Classes''' (Section '''D'''):<ul><li>Refer to instruction on blackboard for instructions on how to submit this assignment.</li></ul>  ::'''Murray Saul and Colin Yips Classes''' (Sections '''A''' , '''B''' &amp; '''C'''):<ol><li>Login as '''root''' on your '''host''' machine.</li><li>Change to the '''/root/bin''' directory.</li><li>Make certain that your '''cloning-source, primary DNS and secondary VMs are VM is running'''.</li><li>Make certain that the mailx command has been installed. If not, issue the following command to install e-mail on your '''host''' machine:<source>yum install mailx </source><li>Issue the command to download a checking script for your assignment to your '''host''' machine:<br><br>'''Murray Saul's classes (section A): &nbsp; &nbsp; ''' <span style="font-family:courier;font-size:1.5em;color:#6666ff4d4dff">wget</span>'''<br><br>'''Colin Yip's classes (Section B &amp; C):''' '''TBA'''<br><br>Set execute permissions and run the shell script.<br>(Your shell script contents will be mailed to your Seneca email and to your OPS335 instructor's Seneca email, and a confirmation message will be emailed to you.<br><br>If you do '''NOT''' receive an e-mail message in your Seneca email account, then there is a problem, and you '''MUST''' rerun or contact your OPS335 instructor immediately.
==Evaluation Rubric==
| width=10% style="text-align:right;font-weight:bold" | Mark
| Hostname set to: '''minnowblofeld''' only, domain name '''speciesbond.lakevillains.ops''' set as a network parameter
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| iptables - Other unexpected '''INPUT''' traffic is blockedwithout response
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| iptables - all '''FORWARD''' traffic is blockedwithout response
| style="text-align:right" | /1
| Backup script '''assnBackup.bash''' structure
| style="text-align:right" | /21|-| Use of '''PV''' command for backup script| style="text-align:right" | /1
| Proof that '''VM full backup''' was run