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OPS435 Python Assignment 2 B

587 bytes added, 14:09, 29 March 2018
# [ openpyxl] - A Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
# [ matplotlib] - a Python 2D plotting library
You also need to update your usage_report for assignment 1 to support command line options to select the type of report to generate.
= Instructions =
The task for this assignment is write a python script which takes the usage data (daily report by user) generate by your usage_report program and present the data in Bar-Chart form. You can use either one of the above python packages to complete the task.
Use the user on the x-axis and usage on the y-axis. It there are more than 10 users, just display a bar chart for the first 10 users.
= Sample run and results =
* Coming soon...