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OPS335 Lab 8 2018

62 bytes added, 17:35, 21 March 2018
Adding a note to send an email using the secured web-server
#Open a web-browser on your host and try to connect to https://vm1.<yourdomain>.ops/webmail
::You should get a security exception similar to the one's you saw with the email, and for the same reason (the site you are trying to contact has a self-signed certificate). Add the exception and login to access your email.
::Send an email to ensure everything is functioning properly.
{{Admon/important |Backup your VMs!|You MUST perform a '''full backup''' of ALL of your VMs whenever you complete your '''OPS335 labs''' or when working on your '''OPS335 assignments'''. You should be using the dump command, and you should use the Bash shell script that you were adviced to create in order to backup all of your VMs.}}