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OPS335 Lab 1

22 bytes removed, 17:05, 26 December 2017
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# You will be creating a '''key-pair on your host machine with no password''' (i.e. when generating keypair press enter for all prompts including the password).
#Make certain you are logged on as '''root''' on your host machine.
# Generate the key-pair by issuing the command:<br><source lang="bash">ssh-keygen -t rsa</source>
'''NOTE:''' When issuing this command, you will end up with the files: '''~/.ssh/id_rsa''' and '''~/.ss/''' (private and public keys). So far, this topic is generally a repeat of OPS235 lab7. What you may '''<u>not</u>''' know is that by using a '''"trick"''' (the ''magic'' of public key cryptography), you can SSH to a Linux machine without using a password! Learning to perform this trick is <u>'''essential'''</u> in this course and in the industry in general. SSH keys are used everywhere that Linux servers are used.
# On your '''host machine''', run the following commands:
<source lang=bash>mkdir -p /backup/incremental/vm1
rsync -avz 192.168.x.x:/etc /backup/incremental/vm1/ # where 192.168.x.x is the IPADDR of your vm1</source>