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5 bytes added, 22:31, 14 December 2017
Efficiency Comparison Parallel for and concurrent_vector
tbb:concurrent_vector<typename> name; </pre>
'''<u>concurrent_hash_map</u>''' : A container class that supports hashing in parallel. The generated keys are not ordered and there will always be at least 1 element for a key. Defined within "'''tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h'''"
==List of TBB Algorithms==
<u>'''parallel_for:'''</u> Provides concurrent support for for loops. This allows data to be divided up into chunks that each thread can work on. The code is defined in "'''tbb/parallel_for.h'''" and takes the template of:
foo parallel_for(firstPos, lastPos, increment { boo()}
<u>'''parallel_scan:'''</u> Provides concurrent support for a parallel scan. Intel promises it may invoke the function up to 2 times the amount when compared to the serial algorithm. The code is defined in "'''tbb/parallel_scan.h'''" and according to intel takes the template of:
void parallel_scan( const Range& range, Body& body [, partitioner] );
<u>'''parallel_invoke:'''</u> Provides support for parallel calling to functions provided in the arguments. It is defined within the header "'''tbb/parallel_invoke.h'''" and is coded as: <pre>
tbb:parallel_invoke(myFuncA, myFuncB, myFuncC);
==Lock Convoying Problem==
===What is a Lock?===
A Lock(also called "mutex") is a method for programmers to secure code that when executing in parallel can cause multiple threads to fight for a resource/container for some operation. When threads work in parallel to complete a task with containers, there is no indication when the thread reach the container and need to perform an operation on it. This causes problems when multiple threads are accessing the same place. When doing an insertion on a container with threads, we must ensure only 1 thread is capable of pushing to it or else threads may fight for control. By "Locking" the container, we ensure only 1 thread accesses at any given time.
To use a lock, you program must be working in parallel(ex #include <thread>) and should be completing something in parallel. You can find c++11 locks with #include <mutex>
Code example or Picture here ^_^
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
//Some threads are spawned which call this function
//Declared the following within the class std::mutex NightsWatch;
void GameOfThronesClass::GuardTheWall(){
//Protect until Unlock() is called. Only 1 thread may do this below at a time. It is //"locked"
std::cout << "It has been " << DaysWithoutWhiteWalkerAttack << " since the last attack at Castle Black!\n";
//Allow Next thread to execute the above iteration
Note that there can be problems with locks. If a thread is locked but it is never unlocked, any other threads will be forced to wait which may cause performance issues. Another problem is called "Dead Locking" where each thread may be waiting for another to unlock (and vice versa) and the program is forced to wait and wait .
===Parallelism Problems & Convoying in STL===
Within STL, issues arise when you attempt to access containers in parallel. With containers, when threads update the container say with push back, it is difficult to determine where the insertion occurred within the container(each thread is updating this container in any order) additionally, the size of the container is unknown as each thread may be updating the size as it goes (thread A may see a size of 4 while thread B a size of 9).
For example, in a vector we can push some data to it in parallel but knowing where that data was pushed to requires us to iterate through the vector for the exact location .
If we attempt to find the data in parallel with other operations ongoing, 1 thread could search for the data, but another could update the vector size during that time which causes problems with thread 1's search as the memory location may change should the vector need to grow(performs a deep copy to new memory).
Locks can solve the above issue but cause significant performance issues as the threads are forced to wait for each other. This performance hit is known as '''Lock Convoying'''.
[[File:DarthVector ThreadLock.PNG |thumb|center|400px| Performance issues inside STL]]
===Lock Convoying in TBB===
TBB attempts to mitigate the performance issue from parallel code when accessing or completing an operation on a container through its own containers such as concurrent_vector.
Through '''concurrent_vector''', every time an element is accessed/changed, a return of the index location is given. TBB promises that any time an element is pushed, it will always be in the same location, no matter if the size of the vector changes in memory. With a standard vector, when the size of the vector changes, the data is copied over. If any threads are currently traversing this vector when the size changes, any iterators may no longer be valid.
Study Ref:
This leads into Concurrent_vector growing below..
==Efficiency Comparison Parallel for and concurrent_vector==
'''<u>concurrent_hash_map</u>''' : A container class that supports hashing in parallel. The generated keys are not ordered and there will always be at least 1 element for a key. Defined within "'''tbb/concurrent_hash_map.h'''"
==List of TBB Algorithms==
<u>'''parallel_for:'''</u> Provides concurrent support for for loops. This allows data to be divided up into chunks that each thread can work on. The code is defined in "'''tbb/parallel_for.h'''" and takes the template of:
foo parallel_for(firstPos, lastPos, increment { boo()}
<u>'''parallel_scan:'''</u> Provides concurrent support for a parallel scan. Intel promises it may invoke the function up to 2 times the amount when compared to the serial algorithm. The code is defined in "'''tbb/parallel_scan.h'''" and according to intel takes the template of:
void parallel_scan( const Range& range, Body& body [, partitioner] );
<u>'''parallel_invoke:'''</u> Provides support for parallel calling to functions provided in the arguments. It is defined within the header "'''tbb/parallel_invoke.h'''" and is coded as: <pre>
tbb:parallel_invoke(myFuncA, myFuncB, myFuncC);
==Lock Convoying Problem==
===What is a Lock?===
A Lock(also called "mutex") is a method for programmers to secure code that when executing in parallel can cause multiple threads to fight for a resource/container for some operation. When threads work in parallel to complete a task with containers, there is no indication when the thread reach the container and need to perform an operation on it. This causes problems when multiple threads are accessing the same place. When doing an insertion on a container with threads, we must ensure only 1 thread is capable of pushing to it or else threads may fight for control. By "Locking" the container, we ensure only 1 thread accesses at any given time.
To use a lock, you program must be working in parallel(ex #include <thread>) and should be completing something in parallel. You can find c++11 locks with #include <mutex>
Code example or Picture here ^_^
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
//Some threads are spawned which call this function
//Declared the following within the class std::mutex NightsWatch;
void GameOfThronesClass::GuardTheWall(){
//Protect until Unlock() is called. Only 1 thread may do this below at a time. It is //"locked"
std::cout << "It has been " << DaysWithoutWhiteWalkerAttack << " since the last attack at Castle Black!\n";
//Allow Next thread to execute the above iteration
Note that there can be problems with locks. If a thread is locked but it is never unlocked, any other threads will be forced to wait which may cause performance issues. Another problem is called "Dead Locking" where each thread may be waiting for another to unlock (and vice versa) and the program is forced to wait and wait .
===Parallelism Problems & Convoying in STL===
Within STL, issues arise when you attempt to access containers in parallel. With containers, when threads update the container say with push back, it is difficult to determine where the insertion occurred within the container(each thread is updating this container in any order) additionally, the size of the container is unknown as each thread may be updating the size as it goes (thread A may see a size of 4 while thread B a size of 9).
For example, in a vector we can push some data to it in parallel but knowing where that data was pushed to requires us to iterate through the vector for the exact location .
If we attempt to find the data in parallel with other operations ongoing, 1 thread could search for the data, but another could update the vector size during that time which causes problems with thread 1's search as the memory location may change should the vector need to grow(performs a deep copy to new memory).
Locks can solve the above issue but cause significant performance issues as the threads are forced to wait for each other. This performance hit is known as '''Lock Convoying'''.
[[File:DarthVector ThreadLock.PNG |thumb|center|400px| Performance issues inside STL]]
===Lock Convoying in TBB===
TBB attempts to mitigate the performance issue from parallel code when accessing or completing an operation on a container through its own containers such as concurrent_vector.
Through '''concurrent_vector''', every time an element is accessed/changed, a return of the index location is given. TBB promises that any time an element is pushed, it will always be in the same location, no matter if the size of the vector changes in memory. With a standard vector, when the size of the vector changes, the data is copied over. If any threads are currently traversing this vector when the size changes, any iterators may no longer be valid.
Study Ref:
This leads into Concurrent_vector growing below..
==Efficiency Comparison Parallel for and concurrent_vector==
''If only you knew the power of the Building Blocks''