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Team Darth Vector

362 bytes added, 19:30, 13 December 2017
List of STL Functions:
are supported by STL for various algorithms such as sorting, searching and accumulation. All can be found within the header "'''<algorithm>'''"
'''STL iterators'''
STL iterators are supported for serial traversal. Should you use an iterator in parallel, you must be cautious to not change the data while a thread is going through the iterator.
They are defined within te header "'''<iterator>'''" and is coded as <pre>
vector<type> myVector; vector<type>::iterator i; for( i = myVector.begin(); i < myVector.end(); i++){ bar(); }
STL supports a variety of containers for data storage. Generally these containers are supported in parallel for read actions, but does not safely support writing to the container with or without reading at the same time.
===List of TBB containers:===