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Buildbot and EC2

1,258 bytes added, 12:21, 2 October 2007
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== Project Details ==
=== Release 0.1 ===
* Add in a new build step to Buildbot
* Allow Buildbot to connect with Amazon's EC2 service
Basically, the first thing that needs to be done is add a new step to Buildbot's build process. Once a new step has been added, the next step is to make this new build step access my EC2 account.
After I can actually access my EC2 account through Buildbot, then a possible next step would be to make Buildbot check to see if I have any open Virtual Instances running already (no point in starting another instance if ones running already).
One thing that may need to be kept in mind is that Amazon charges 10 cents per hour, or part of an hour, per instance. So, each time you start a new instance, it costs 10 cents. The best way I can think of doing this is make each instance you start, last for at least an hour, so that if you start another build in 10 mins, you can continue to use the same instance instead of starting a new one.
For this, Buildbot would need to run a service on the OS to constantly check to see if an instance is approaching the 1 hour mark, and not running any build slaves. Not quite sure how I'd do that, but it's something to keep in mind.
=== Release 0.2 ===
=== Release 0.3 ===
== Project Resources ==