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SPO600 Inline Assembler Lab

124 bytes removed, 11:33, 29 November 2017
Part B - Individual Task
=== Part B - Individual Task ===
<!-- {{Admon/important|After Memory Architecture|Do this part of the lab after the class on Memory Architecture.}}-->
1. Select one of the following open source packages which is not claimed by another person in the class. Put your name beside it in (parenthesis) to claim it.
* amule (Lawrence)* ardour (Ray Gervais)* avidemux(Shiv Gajiwala)* blender(Mohammed Maniar)* bunny (laily)* busybox (laily)
* chicken
* cln (Len)
* coq
* cxxtools
* faad2
* fawkes
* gauche (Eugueni)
* gmime
* gnash
* iaxclient
* k9copy
* lame (Timothy Moy)
* libfame
* libgcroots
* mjpegtools
* mlt
* mosh (John)
* mpich2
* ocaml-zarith
* openblas(Andrey)
* opencore-amr
* openser
* par2cmdline (Dang)
* picprog
* qlandkartegt
* sooperlooper (Quang)
* traverso