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OPS435 Python Lab 6

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Created page with "= LAB OBJECTIVES = :Python is an object oriented programming language. Python uses the concept of "objects" to store data(attributes) and code(methods) efficiently for later u..."
:Python is an object oriented programming language. Python uses the concept of "objects" to store data(attributes) and code(methods) efficiently for later use. By using objects, programming languages gain the advantage of making large/complex programs into smaller and modular objects, which can be used or shared with other code. In Python, almost everything that we have used is actually an object with a specific purpose, however starting in this lab we will create our own objects, and investigate different ways to use them.

:In previous labs, you have been advised to make notes and use online references. This also relates to working with files and learning about objected oriented programming to help becoming "overwhelmed" with the volume of information in this lab.

:Below is a table with links to useful online Python reference sites (by category). You may find these references useful when performing assignments, etc.

{| class="wikitable" | style="margin-left:20px; border: 2px solid black;"
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| style="border: 2px solid black;" | Category
| style="border: 2px solid black;" | Resource Link

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| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:Handling Errors & Exceptions
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[ Errors & Exceptions]

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| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:Built-in Exceptions
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[ Built-in Exceptions]

|- style="background-color:white;border:none;"
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[ Lists]

|- style="background-color:white;border:none;"
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
| style="border: 2px solid black;" valign="top"|
:[ Dictionaries]

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:Using Classes
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:[ Classes]

= INVESTIGATION 1: Creating Classes =
:In this first investigation you will be introduced to classes. A class is a blue print to creating an object, first we write what we want the object to contain inside the class, then we can instantiate(create the object) by providing the class type. Once an object is created, interacting with the object will look very familiar, because you have been using objects throughout the course, this will be no different.

== PART 1 - Creating a Class ==
:The class that is written in Python can contain variables, functions, code, but non of the code is executed or run until you use the class to create an object. Remember that the class is a blueprint for how your object will work, the object that you create will have the code running inside it. First lets create a class.

:'''Perform the Following Steps:'''
:#Launch your Centos VM, open a shell terminal (as a regular user) and start a new ipython3 session:<source lang="python">
:#Create a new python script in the lab6 directory:<source lang="python">
%cd ~/ops435/lab6
%vim ~/ops435/lab6/
:#Place the following content inside the new python script and save it. Read through this script and the comments inside.<source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3

class Student:

# Define the name and number when a student object is created, ex. student1 = Student('john', 025969102)
def __init__(self, name, number): = name
self.number = number = {}

# Display student name and number
def displayStudent(self):
print('Student Name: ' +
print('Student Number: ' + self.number)

# Add a new course and grade to students record
def addGrade(self, course, grade):[course] = grade

# Calculate the grade point average of all courses and display it
def displayGPA(self):
gpa = 0.0
for course in
gpa = gpa +[course]
print('GPA of student ' + + ' is ' + str(gpa / len(
:# This is the Student class, with this class multiple Student objects can be created. There are a number of parts of this script that should look familiar, such as the '''def''' for functions, for loops, variables. In the next steps lets break down this class and explain each part in detail.

== PART 2 - Understanding Class Structure ==
:# First is the definition of the class:<source lang="python">
class Student:

:# This is how you give the class a name, now when you need to create a new Student object we know it's calledd Student. '''Everything''' indented underneath the '''class Student:''' will be apart of the class.
:# Next indented under the class is the __init__() method. This work similarly to a function, it contains code indented underneath it, that code is executed when you call the function. But __init__() is a special function, instead of manually calling this function, it will automatically be executed when we create a object. Inside the __init__() we create variables(object attributes), these are created using '''''', where '''name''' is the name of the attribute. The '''self.''' portion before the variable name is to let the class know that this variable can be accessed from anywhere inside the class. Lets come back to this later.<source lang="python">
def __init__(self, name, number): = name
self.number = number = {}
:# The next method definition prints out variables and self.number, both of these variables were set in the __init__() method. Normally creating variables inside a function means they can only be accessed inside of that specific function. But classes give us the ability to share data throughout the class with all other objects. Place '''self.''' before the variable name to allow that variable to be shared with different functions. However, as we will soon come to see this variable is only shared within a single instance of the class(more on this to come). <source lang="python">
# Display student name and number
def displayStudent(self):
print('Student Name: ' +
print('Student Number: ' + self.number)
:# This next method accepts some arguments. The first argument of the method is '''self''', this is a required syntax for making functions inside of a class, and allows the function to access any variables you created/saved in the class previously, such as, ''''''. This method will take two additional arguments, course, and grade. The method will then store these inside a dictionary '''''', with the key being '''course''' and the value being '''grade'''.<source lang="python">
# Add a new course and grade to students record
def addGrade(self, course, grade):[course] = grade
:# This final method will do a bit of calculations. It will get the average of all values found inside the dictionary, add them up, and divide them by the number of values. When it finishes, the method will print out a message with the GPA of the student inside.<source lang="python">
# Calculate the grade point average of all courses and display it
def displayGPA(self):
gpa = 0.0
for course in
gpa = gpa +[course]
print('GPA of student ' + + ' is ' + str(gpa / len(
:# Now that the class has been broken down, the code inside is simple on it's own, but what does it mean when it all works together. So before you can use a class, we must create a new object. A single class can create many objects, not just a single object. This class will be used to create lots of different student objects, each object will be created using the blue print of the class, but they will all be separate and contain separate data. Just like you and the student beside you are both students, doesn't mean you are the same student.
:# Import the python script into your ipython environment:<source lang="python">
from student import Student
:# Create a new student object and assign values to it:<source lang="python">
# Creates an instance of the Student class, it will be separate from all other objects created with the Student class:
student1 = Student('John', '013454900')
student1.addGrade('uli101', 4.0)
student1.addGrade('ops235', 3.5)
student1.addGrade('ops435', 3.0)
:# Now that the object '''student1''' has been created, look closely at the components inside the object. This is a look into the objects '''namespace''':<source lang="python">
:# Notice anything familiar in here? This will display all attributes(name, number, courses) that were created with '''self.variableName''', it also shows all the methods(displayStudent, displayGPA, addCourse) that were created too. Take a closer look at some of these different attributes and methods.<source lang="python">
:# Before going further with '''student1''', lets create a second object, to demonstrate that these are different data structures:<source lang="python">
student2 = Student('Jessica', '023384103')
:# Now lets run some methods that are specific to each object's instance:<source lang="python">
# Add new courses for student1
student1.addGrade('uli101', 4.0)
student1.addGrade('ops235', 3.5)
student1.addGrade('ops435', 3.0)

# Add new courses for student2
student2 = Student('Jessica', '023384103')
student2.addGrade('ipc144', 4.0)
student2.addGrade('cpp244', 4.0)
:# Investigate what has changed in each object:<source lang="python">
:# The method '''addGrade()''' changes the '''''' dictionary. But both student1 and student2 have their OWN courses dictionary.
:# Once an object is created the attributes inside may be modified externally. Though you may need to be careful, if a value is a string, and you change it to another type such as a integer or a list, it's possible the class was not designed to deal with the different type and may throw a error when you run a method. For example, changing the name to a integer would break the displayStudent method, because it would try and concatenate strings and integers(maybe the method should be written better.<source lang="python">
# is a string like any other = 'Jack'
:# The final part to creating objects is understanding how to pass values into newly created objects, such as, '''student2 = Student('Jessica', '023384103')'''. How did it know that Jessica is the name instead of the long string of numbers? This is done when the class is written, inside the __init__() method. Look at the arguments used for in the __init__ definition:<source lang="python">
def __init__(self, name, number): = name
self.number = number = {}
:# First was self, but this is required and we can ignore this for now. Next is '''name''', this is the classes first argument when we instantiate(create) it, the second argument is '''number'''.<source lang="python">
# student3 is the object, Student is the class name, 'Jen' is the first argument passed to __init__, '034686901' is the second argument passed to init.
student3 = Student('Jen', '034686901')

=== Create a Python Script Demonstrating Classes ===
:# The following python script is broken. It has two major problems: first problem is providing the student number as an integer causes an error(TypeError) when displayStudent() is run, second problem is in displayGPA() may divide by zero erorr(ZeroDivisionError) if no courses are added to the dictionary or the grades added to the dictionary are 0.0 floats. Finally, you will add a new method to this class that prints out a formatted list of all courses the student has taken.
:#Create the '''~/ops435/lab6/''' script.
:#Use the following as a template(warning this is NOT the same as<source lang="python">
#!/usr/bin/env python3

class Student:

# Define the name and number when a student object is created, ex. student1 = Student('john', 025969102)
def __init__(self, name, number): = name
self.number = number = {}

# Return student name and number
def displayStudent(self):
return 'Student Name: ' + + '\n' + 'Student Number: ' + self.number

# Add a new course and grade to students record
def addGrade(self, course, grade):[course] = grade

# Calculate the grade point average of all courses and return a string
def displayGPA(self):
gpa = 0.0
for course in
gpa = gpa +[course]
return 'GPA of student ' + + ' is ' + str(gpa / len(

# Return a list of course that the student passed (not a 0.0 grade)
def displayCourses(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
# Create first student object and add grades for each class
student1 = Student('John', '013454900')
student1.addGrade('uli101', 1.0)
student1.addGrade('ops235', 2.0)
student1.addGrade('ops435', 3.0)

# Create second student object and add grades for each class
student2 = Student('Jessica', '123456')
student2.addGrade('ipc144', 4.0)
student2.addGrade('cpp244', 3.5)
student2.addGrade('cpp344', 0.0)

# Display information for student1 object

# Display information for student2 object

::*The '''displayStudent()''' method will not break if the object was created with an integer, example, student2 = Student('Jessica', 123456)
::*The '''displayGPA()''' will cleanly handle a ZeroDivisionError
::*The '''displayCourses()''' will return a list of courses that the student passed(not 0.0 grade)
::*The script should show the exact output as the samples(order of courses in list not important)
::*The script should contain no errors
:::'''Sample Run 1:'''<source lang="python">
Student Name: John
Student Number: 013454900
GPA of student John is 2.0
['ops435', 'ops235', 'uli101']
Student Name: Jessica
Student Number: 123456
GPA of student Jessica is 2.5
['cpp244', 'ipc144']
:::'''Sample Run 2 (import into ipython3):'''<source lang="python">
from lab6a import Student

student1 = Student('Jack', 931686102)

student1.addGrade('ops535', 2.0)

student1.addGrade('win310', 0.0)

'Student Name: Jack\nStudent Number: 931686102'

'GPA of student Jack is 1.0'


student2 = Student('Jen', 987654321)

student2.addGrade('uli101', 0.0)

'GPA of student Jen is 0.0'

::3. Exit the ipython3 shell, download the checking script and check your work. Enter the following commands from the bash shell.<source lang="bash">
cd ~/ops435/lab6/
pwd #confirm that you are in the right directory
ls || wget
python3 ./ -f -v lab6a
::4. Before proceeding, make certain that you identify any and all errors in When the checking script tells you everything is OK before proceeding to the next step.

:'''Have Ready to Show Your Instructor:'''

::<span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Output of: <code>./ -f -v</code>
::<span style="color:green;font-size:1.5em;">&#x2713;</span> Output of: <code>cat</code>
# What is object oriented programming?
# What is the difference between a object and a class?
# What does the dir() function tell you about objects?
# What happens if you try and make a copy of an object?
# When does the __init__() method get executed?
# What is an attribute? How to you create an attribute?
# What is a method?
# What is the difference between a method and a function?
# What is self used for in an object?
# What does it mean to instantiate an object?
# Import the Student class into ipython3, instantiate some objects, and try changing different attributes.
# Make a copy of called, make the Student class accept another argument called program. When you create the new object: student = Student('name', '123456789', 'CTY'). Can you print the new students program out with student.program?
# Create a new method in that checks to make sure the program is either "CTY" or "CNS", if it's not one of these, change the value to "unknown".
