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Parallelization of the C++ Standard Library: Intel Parallel STL, MCSTL, and C++17
== Introduction: The Standard Template Library ==
The Standard Template Library (STL) for C++ is a library that provides a set of classes and functions for C++, like iterators and vectors. The STL is divided in four parts: algorithms, containers, functors, and iterators. For this project, we will focus on the ''algorithms'' library.
These algorithms not only make the code easier to write and read, but it also tends to be faster: these algorithms are heavily optimized, making them much faster than for/while loops.
The execution for these algorithms, however, are not parallel by default: they are sequential. However, it is possible to parallelize many of these algorithms, making their execution much faster.This project will discuss three methods/implementations for parallelizing the STL: MCSTL, Intel Parallel STL, and Policy-based execution for C++17.
== MCSTL ==