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Fall 2017 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

184 bytes removed, 23:39, 5 September 2017
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|3||Sep 18||[[#Week 3 - Class I|Assembly Lab (Lab 3)]]||[[#Week 3 - Class II|Compiled C Lab (Lab 4)]]||[[#Week 3 Deliverables|Blog about the Assembly Lab (Lab 3) and Compiled C Lab (Lab 4)]]
<!-- |4||Sep 25||[[#Week 4 - Class I|Software Optimization]]||[[#Week 4 - Class II|Algorithm Selection Lab (Lab 5)]]||[[#Week 4 Deliverables|Blog about the Algorithm Selection Lab (Lab 5).]]
|-style="background: #f0f0ff"
|4||Sep 25||colspan="3" align="center"|Linaro Connect - Work on Presentation AssignmentProject Selection
|6||Oct 9||[[#Week 6 - Class I|Inline Assembler Lab (Lab 7)]]||[[#Week 6 - Class II|Inline Assembler Lab (Lab 7) continued...Project Selection]]||[[#Week 6 Deliverables|Blog about your Inline Assembler Lab (Lab 7).]]
|7||Oct 16||[[#Week 7 - Class I|Memory ArchitectureProject Startup]]||[[#Week 7 - Class II|Project StartupStage I Presentations]]||[[#Week 7 Deliverables|Blog about your selected presentation and project topics.]]
|-style="background: #f0f0ff"
|8||Oct 30||[[#Week 8 - Class I|Project Discussion]]||[[#Week 8 - Class II|PresentationsProfiling]]||[[#Week 8 Deliverables|Blog about your project.]]
|10||Nov 13||[[#Week 10 - Class I|Project Stage I II Updates]]||[[#Week 10 - Class II|Discussion & Hack Session]]||[[#Week 10 Deliverables|Blog about your Stage I II Update.]]
|11||Nov 20||[[#Week 11 - Class I|Discussion & Hack Session]]''IRCC Workshop?''||[[#Week 11 - Class II|Discussion & Hack Session]]||[[#Week 11 Deliverables|Blog about your project work.]]
|12||Nov 27||[[#Week 12 - Class I|Discussion & Hack Session]]||[[#Week 12 - Class II|Project Stage II UpdatesDiscussion & Hack Session]]||[[#Week 12 Deliverables|Blog about your Stage II Updateproject work.]]
|Quizzes||align="right"|10%||May be held during any class, usually at the start of class. A minimum of 5 one-page quizzes will be given. No make-up/retake option is offered if you miss a quiz. Lowest 3 scores will not be counted.
|Labs||align="right"|10%||See deliverables column above. All labs must be submitted by April 21Dec 8.
|Project work||align="right"|60%||3 stages: 15% (Oct 20) / 20% (Nov 17) / 25% (Dec 8)
== Week 1 ==
There is no "Class I" during this first week due to Labour Day. === Week 1 - Class I II ===
==== Introduction to the Problems ====
* Background for the [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1)]].
=== Week 1 - Class II ===
* [[SPO600 Code Building Lab|Code Building Lab (Lab 2)]] as homework
=== Week 1 Deliverables ===
# Complete Labs
## [[SPO600 Code Review Lab|Code Review Lab (Lab 1)]] (Due end of week 2)
## [[SPO600 Code Building Lab|Code Building Lab (Lab 2)]] (Due end of week 2)
# Optional (recommended): [[SPO600 Host Setup|Set up a personal Fedora system]].
# Optional: Purchase an AArch64 development board (such as a [ 96Boards] HiKey or Raspberry Pi 2/3).
## [[SPO600 Code Building Lab|Code Building Lab (Lab 2)]] (Due end of week 2)
== Week 2 ==