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OPS435 Python Lab 1

146 bytes removed, 10:25, 1 August 2017
PART 2 - Setting up Your Python Environment For Labs
'''Vim''' (recommended text editor for labs)<br>vim is a powerful text editor for system administration and programming tasks. All of the shortcuts and commands you've learned over the years will help you edit programs efficiently.<br>
'''Geany'''<br>A simple graphical text editor for developers. It is available in the CentOS package repositories.<br>
'''Atom'''<br>This text editor is easy to use and contains powerful tools that comes with everything needed to program and customize the environment.<br>'''Sublime'''<br>Another powerful and popular text editor designed for programming. Is not free or open source.}}</blockquote>
<ol><li value=6" style="margin-left:25px;">'''Python pip''' is a package manager specifically for Python. While it is usually not recommended to install software outside of '''dnf''' or '''yum''', sometimes the only way to get a specific or latest version will be through pip:<source>