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Fall 2007 Weekly Schedule

1,517 bytes added, 19:10, 23 September 2007
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* '''NOTE'''
** Thursday's class will be special, as we will have a guest speaker flying here to talk to you about the build. Please have your build done before Thursday so you can ask questions and understand what he's talking about.
== Week 4 (Sept 24) - Navigating the Mozilla source tree ==
* Learning to be Lost Productively
** Adding to Mozilla is not like writing a program from scratch
** Leverage the existing code by reading, studying, and copying existing code
* Mozilla Source Code structure and style
** [ Mozilla directory structure]
** [ Developer style guide]
** [ Portability Rules for C++]
* Searching for Code
** and
* How to Make Changes
** building with in mozilla/ vs. incremental builds
** Working with Patches
*** cvs diff and patch - [ Incremental Build Lab]
*** [ Creating a Patch]
* '''Readings/Resources'''
** Reading: Chapter 11 (pages 379-397) of Diomidis Spinellis, ''Code Reading: The Open Source Perspective'', ISDN 0-201-79940-5 - [ online version]
* '''TODO'''
** Lab - Learning to use LXR/MXR effectively: [ Source Code Reading Lab]
** Practice doing incremental builds and applying patches
** Make a small change to some source code (more than just comments!) and prepare a patch file. Blog about your experiences.