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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

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[[Image:vmware-1.png|thumb|right|550px|The VMware Workstation 12 application will allow you to create and administer '''4 different virtual machines''' ('''VM'''s) on your computer system. ]]
You will learn how to use a popular Virtual Machine (VM) application called '''VMware Workstation ''' in order to create and manage a virtual machine (Centos Linux - Full Install DVD). We will install three other Centos Linux VMs (using 3 different install methods) in lab2.
In order to save money and resources when learning to install, manage, and network various Linux machines for this course, we will be using virtualization for this course. In previous courses, students were required to purchase a removable hard disk drive to complete this course. You are NOT required (preferred) to use a removable hard-drive for this course. On the other hand, it is ESSENTIAL to have a '''USB key (minimum storage capacity of 16 GB)''' to save your Linux images in your temporary Seneca lab sessions and be able to work on your VM images on your notebook computer or desktop computer at home. You will learn during this lab how to obtain VMware Workstation 12 for your use for your notebook computer or desktop computer at home.
Before you can install your Centos Full Install DVD onto your Virtual Machine, you must first create a storage container which is the a virtual machine that will provide a platform for you to install the your Centos operating system.
# Refer to this listing of installation screenshots if you need a reference:<br>[ [ installation screenshots] ]<br>
# Power up the computer in your Seneca lab in '''Windows ''' and insert the '''CentOS 7 Installation DVD''' into the DVD drive.
# On your Seneca computer workstation, run the VMware Workstation 12 application.
# Click on the item labelled '''Create a New Virtual Machine'''.
# Accept the '''Typical''' (default) for the Virtual Machine Configuration setting and click '''Next'''.
# Select your '''CD/DVD player''' (''/dev/cdrom'') as the default '''physical device to install operating system fromdrive''' and click '''Next'''.# Make certain that the Guest Operating System is set to '''Linux ''' and then click '''Next'''.
# Change the Virtual Machine Name to read '''centos1''' and then click '''Next'''.
# Change the Disk Size to '''40 GB''' and accept the default to '''Split virtual disk into multiple files''' and then click '''Next'''.
# Take a few moments to review the final summary screen to make certain that you make the correct configuration selections for your new virtual machine. If you notice an configuration problem, you can click the '''Back''' button to make corrections. If all is correct, then click '''Finish''' and click '''Close''' to complete the creation of your first virtual machine.
'''Perform the following steps:'''
# Select from the installation menu: '''Install Centos7'''.<br><br>Note: If you experience unreadable display after you boot into your installed system, you can redo the install, but select from the install menu: ''<u>Troubleshooting</u>'' and then select ''<u>Install in Basic Graphics Mode</u>''.# Next, you will be prompted for a language. In the first screen, select language '''English''' with subselection '''English-Canada''' and then click the '''Continue''' button on the bottom right-hand screen.
# The '''Install Summary''' should now appear. This screen allows the installer to customize their Centos7 system prior to installation.
# Configure the following installation settings from the ''Install Summary Screen'':<br><br>
::*The manual partitioning screen should appear.
::*If you have used your hard disk for previous Linux (Centos) distributions, you should remove them. Click on the distribution, and for each partition, select the partition and click the remove button (minus sign) and confirm deletion.
::*<span style="background-color:yellow">Change the option '''New mount points will use the following partition scheme''' from '''LVM''' to '''<u>Standard Partition</u>''' (you will not be using LVM for your centos1 machine)</span>.::*Before you proceed with creating partitions, let's see the partitions that we need to create for our virtual machine:<ul><li>Primary Partitions (ext4):<ul><li>'''20GB''' for '''/''' (i.e. "root")</li><li>'''10GB''' for /home</li><li>Swap Partition:<ul><li>'''16GB''' (Note: "swap" must be selected from the drop down menu)</li></ul></li></ul><br>'''NOTE:''' Remember that the sizes are recorded in MB (eg. 30 20 GB = 30000 20000 MB) and you should multiply GB by a factor of 1024 to get the correct size.<br> (eg. '''20 GB x 1024 = 20480 MB''')<br><br>
<ol><li value="4">We will now create the root (/) partition. '''Click on the add button (plus) sign'''.<br></li>
<li>In the '''Add a New Mount Point''' screen, select '''/''' as the mount-point (either by typing or selecting from drop-down menu), and enter '''20480''' in for partition size and click '''Add Mount Point''' button.</li>
<li>Recheck each of the created partitions, and make certain that the file-system type is set to ''ext4'' and the Device Type is set to ''Standard Partition''.</li>
<li>Finally, add a swap partition (Mount Point: swap) for '''16 GB'''.</li>
<li>Check that your partition settings are correct (you can ask your instructor or lab monitor to confirm), and then click '''Done''' (possibly '''<u>twice</u>''') in order to proceed<br><br><span style="background-color:yellow">'''NOTE:''' <br><br></li></ol> {{Admon/tip|Error indicating /boot/efi partition required|If there is an error message associated with your created partitions, you may need to add a '''/boot/efi''' partition (as a new mount). The capacity should be: 2954MB (i.e. 2,954 MB). Once finished, click '''Done'''.</span>|}} <br><br></liol><livalue="11">A Summary of Changes screen will appear to show the partitioning operations that will be created. Click the '''Accept Changes''' and click '''Begin Installation''' in the Installation Summary screen to proceed with the installation.</li>
<li>Start timing your '''centos1''' virtual machine installation.</li>