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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7 - VMware

87 bytes removed, 09:08, 29 May 2016
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[ vi]
|width="40%"|{{Admon/tip|Hands-on Linux Utility Tutorials (practice)|The following online tutorial will allow you to practice Linux commands that you learned from ULI101 as well as essential shell scripting skills. Login to your '''Matrix''' account, and issue the pathnames to run the online tutorial in Matrix:<br><ul><li>Linux Basics:<br>'''/home/murray.saul/linux-basics'''<br>Shell Scripting - Part I (Scripting Basics):<br>'''/home/murray.saul/scripting-1'''</li><li>Using the vi Text Editor:<br>'''/home/murray.saul/vi-tutorial'''</li></ul>|