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Pi Day at Toronto Reference Library - May 28, 2016

79 bytes added, 07:06, 27 April 2016
Pi Demo Day
:* <b>3 pm</b> - Sensing and Controlling Things with the Raspberry Pi - The Raspberry Pi can be easily connected to sense and control things around us. This talk will demonstrate the many types of devices that can be controlled by a Pi and how they can be connected and programmed.
:* Additionally, interactive demonstrations will take place throughout the afternoon from 12 noon to 5 pm in the Discussion Room adjacent to the Hinton Theatre, including projects ranging from media players to radio transmitters to smart home automation.
:* <b>1 pm</b> - who?
:* <b>2 pm</b> - who?
:* <b>3 pm</b> - who?
:* <b>John Selmys - Line Tracking Robot</b> - Two wheeled Pi Zero line tracking robot with range sensor and LEDs