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OPS335 NFS Lab

4 bytes removed, 09:14, 3 March 2016
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#Install the '''autofs''' package by issuing the following command:<br>'''yum install autofs'''
#Rename the existing file /etc/auto.master file by issuing the following command:<br>'''mv /etc/auto.master /etc/auto.master.orig'''<br>Keep this file as a back-up in case you need to restore the file in the future.
#Use the vi text editor to create the file '''auto.master''' file by issuing the command:<br>'''vi /etc/auto.master'''<br>This should new#Add and add the following line in to the bottom of this file:<br>'''/home /etc/auto.home --timeout=60'''#Save your editing changes.
#Use the vi text editor to create a file called '''/etc/auto.home'''
#Add the following line in this file:<br>'''* -fstype=nfs4,rw,nosuid,soft 192.168.x.3:/home/&'''
#Save your editing changes.
#Use the systemctl command to start the autofs servoce, and another systemctl command in order to ensure that the autofs service will automatically start at boot.
#Log out of and back into '''vm3''' using your learn account.