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OPS335 Lab 4

1 byte added, 17:56, 18 February 2016
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#At the mail prompt, enter the command '''h''' (for detailed header) following by the number of that the "... Test3" email within the list. This sets the e-mail to display detailed header information with mail message.
#View that message by entering the mail message number in the list. Did it work?
{{Admon/tip |View Mail Message Header Information in Vi Text Editor|You can save the mail message header information in a file to view in a text editor like vi. In order to do this, simply enter the command save x ~/message.txt (where x represents the number of the email in the list}}
 <ol><<li value="6">Note similar information regarding how the mail message was transmitted with your VM2 machine</li><li>Record your observations in your lab logbook.</li></ol>