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OPS335 DNS Lab

8 bytes removed, 18:31, 1 February 2016
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<ol><li value="6">Note that this is only temporary, and will go away when the machine reboots. There is another step later that will make this change permanently.</li><li>Start your DNS server with the command:<br><pre>systemctl start named.service</pre></li><li>Check that your name server is running:<br><pre>ps ax | grep named</pre> or <pre>systemctl status named.service</pre></li><li>Set the service to start automatically when this virtual machine boots.</li><li>When starting or restarting your name server view the log file (/var/log/messages) to ensure it started without error.</li><li>Try a few lookups:<pre> host host.'''seneca-id'''.org host vm1.'''seneca-id'''.org host vm2.'''seneca-id'''.org host vm3.'''seneca-id'''.org host</pre></li></ol>