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OPS335 Installation Lab

25 bytes added, 16:05, 11 January 2016
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{{Admon/tip|VM File Types ( '''.qcow''' vs '''.img''' )|In OPS235, you selected the VM images as a '''"raw"''' image. In OPS335, you will be accepting the default image file '''".qcow"''' (which stands for "QMENU Copy on Write" ) that provides more features when manipulating stored VM images.}}
<ol><li value="3">Since you will be installing a Linux <u>server</u> (as opposed to a Gnome Desktop workstation), you can '''use the <u>default</u> memory and CPU options for use with lab computers'''.</li><li># Set the disk image size set to '''8GB'''<br><br>Note: Since you already setup your virtual network to OPS335, your VM will be automatically connected to your new ops335 virtual network.# </li><li>Note the following installation steps when you install your created VM:</li></ol> 
::* Select the correct ''location / Time Zone''.
::* For Software Selection: Accept the default '''minimum install'''. None of your VMs in this course will have a GUI since GUIs needlessly consume resources and image space. </li><li>Click '''Installation Destination''', and then click '''Done''' to confirm that an automatic install will be performed.</li><li>Click Network & Hostname and set hostname to: '''vm1.localdomain''' and make certain the ''Ethernet connection'' is set to '''ON'''.</li><li>During installation you will be prompted to set the ''root password'' and an '''initial user account'''. For the ''initial user'', enter the same information you entered on your host machine.</li></ol>