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OPS335 Installation Lab

21 bytes added, 12:17, 6 January 2016
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#*Verify that your system date and time are correct. If not then set the correct system date and time.
#*Verify that your network is functioning.
#**If you do not have an ip address, edit the line in the file '''/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ''' (note this file name may differ between machines).
should be
<ol><li value="2">If you had to change that, reboot your machine before continuing.</li><ol type="a"><li>Run and record the output of the '''df -hT''' command.</li><li>Run and record the output of the '''cat /etc/fstab''' command.</li><li>Run and record the output of the '''cat /etc/issue''' command.</li><li>Run and record the output of the '''uname -a''' command.</li></ol></li></ol>