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OPS335 Short-Term

54 bytes added, 13:09, 5 January 2016
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<ul><li>There is approximately '''only one week until the start of the Winter 2016 semester'''</li><li>Course meetings are held on '''Thursday January 7th''' (not much of a <u>window</u> for action or consensus)</li><li>From preliminary review of Weekly Topics, there is a lack of online resources</li><li>Students may '''feel more comfortable with online resources''' as opposed to referring to a text which may not "sync-up" with with lab contents</li><li>''Jason Carman'' (a program graduate and respected OPS235/OPS335 lab monitor and part-time OPS335 instructor) has offered his '''already existing (over 4 semesters) online notes and labs to study, incorporate and/or use'''</li><li>'''Developing improvements to a course while in session is possible, but creates great stress on the professors to have material available on a weekly basis''' (hence '''using existing alternative materials may be a good option in this situation''')</li></li>There is a need to '''perform triage: Identify the immediate issues, and determine what action to take in the immediate short-term, long-term and issues that can be wish-list items''' (for very long-term target dates)</li></ul>
== Proposed Course of Action ==
*Work in Process*