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Fall 2015 SPO600 Weekly Schedule

25 bytes added, 16:19, 26 December 2015
no edit summary
{{Admon/important|It's Alive!|This [[SPO600]] weekly schedule will be updated as the course proceeds - dates and content are subject to change. The cells in the summary table will be linked to relevant resources and labs as the course progresses.}}
For the * Previous semester: [[Winter 2015 version of the weekly schedule, see SPO600 Weekly Schedule]].* Following semester: [[Winter 2015 2016 SPO600 Weekly Schedule]].
== Schedule Summary Table ==
|-style="background: #f0f0ff"
|Exam Week||Dec 14||colspan="3" align="center"|Exam Week - No exam in this course! However, be sure to complete your '''[[#Final Deliverables|Final Deliverables]] by 11:59 pm on ThursdayFriday, December 1718'''.