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Lab 7 Warnings / Debrief

762 bytes added, 11:06, 23 July 2015
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<u>'''Deceiving the "Hacker"'''</u>
To help harden (protect a server from attack or "penetration"), system or security administrators have the ability to "trick" or "mislead" a potential hacker in order to prevent system penetration.
In this part, you will learn to use a combination of '''SSH server configuration''' and '''iptables rules''' to <u>redirect</u> the SSH port to allow secure data traffic via another port (as opposed to the default port: 22), and use iptables to reject (better log) incoming tcp traffic via the default port.
What is the result of this?
Simple. Permit the SSH service for the organization, and yet '''trick and confound the potential hacker''' into thinking that ssh traffic is used on a port that is no longer available (but they may not know this!)
Sneaky! >;)