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MAP524/DPS924 Lab 1

665 bytes added, 14:19, 3 October 2015
Part D: Submit
= Lab 1: Build an Android App with Gradle =
Due: in the lab period, need professor sign-off.
== Part A: Setting up Android Studio on Linux ==
<pre>adb install build/outputs/apk/GradleProject-debug.apk</pre>
<li>Now that our app is installed, we should be able to run it. Click on the app icon in the AVD to execute it.
<li>Modify your app by editing your file and change the text to be displayed to "Hello Senecamy name is Andrew Smith". You'll find your inside your project's java/org/hello folder.</li>
<li>Back in your apps project directory rebuild your app as in step B7.</li>
<li>Try to install the app using the adb command as in step C4. You should get an error message telling you that the app is already installed.</li>
<pre>screenshot2 -e lab01.png</pre>
<li>You can view the image file by using the Linux "display" command.</li>
<li>Be sure to attach this screenshot to your lab answers.</li>
<li>When satisfied with using Android command line tools please move on to PART D of this lab. </li>
== Part D: Wiki Account == Send an email to asking that you have an account created for you on the wiki. == Part E: Submit == Make notes about what you learned in your labbook. Remember you can take your labbook with you to the test and exam, so write information in there that will help you answer questions related to this week's material. When you're done - call me over and I will: * Check your labbok for notes.* Ask you some questions to make sure you understood the material this week.* Look at your GradleProject files.* See your GradleProject running in the emulator (or a real phone).* Sign the front of your labbook for this lab.