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OPS235 Lab 5 - CentOS7

1,246 bytes added, 12:20, 3 May 2015
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== Part 1: Mounting and Un-mounting Partitions ==
# xPerform this Part in your '''centos2''' VM.# As you may recall in Part 1 of Investigation 1, we created another logical volume called lv_archive using the graphical application '''system-config-lvm'''. This logical volume should be mounted (connected) to our existing file-system (2GB).# Issue the following command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">mount</span></code></b># What is the purposed of issuing this command without arguments? Can you see the lv_archive partition?# Create a new directory called '''/archive'''.# Issue the following command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">mount /dev/vdb -t ext4 /archive </span></code></b># Issue the '''mount''' command to verify that the '''lv_archive''' logical volume is mounted.# Without changing to the '''/archive''', list the contents of that directory.# Issue the following command: <b><code><span style="color:#3366CC;font-size:1.2em;">umount /archive </span></code></b># Issue the '''mount''' command to verify that lv_archive logical volume has been unmounted.# Although you might have been successful un-mounting the lv_archive logical volume, can you think of any reasons why you might not be able to un-mount that logical volume?   
'''Answer the Part 1 observations / questions in your lab log book.'''