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OPS235 Lab 1 - CentOS7

8 bytes added, 09:34, 27 April 2015
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#The system should then graphically prompt the user to login with their regular user account. Click on your '''regular user account name''' and '''enter your regular user password'''.<br><br>
#The last phase of the installation process should now run:<ul><li>Confirm English as the default input source and click '''Next'''.</li><li>Skip the creation of online accounts by clicking '''Next'''.<li>Start using your installed Linux system by clicking '''Start Using CentOS Linux'''.</li></ul><br>
#Open a web-browser and check to see if you can connect to the Internet.<br><br>
#Your system automatically enables a '''screen-saver''' application which is a useful security tool to prevent unauthorized viewing of information on a terminal after a certain amount of inactivity. If you find this feature annoying and want to turn it off or adjust the idle time perform the following steps:<ol type="a"><li>Click on your '''username at the top right-hand screen'''</li><li>Select '''Settings''' from the drop-down menu</li><li>Click the '''Power''' icon located in the ''Settings'' Dialog Box</li><li>Change the amount of time in the '''Power Saving''' section to '''Never''' or a '''longer period of time'''<br><br></li></ol>
#Proceed to Investigation 2 to obtain basic information from your newly installed Centos Host machine.