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DPS924 Projects Winter 2015

1,566 bytes added, 19:55, 13 May 2015
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|This application allows advertisement agencies throughout the GTA,who currently rely on paper based methods to keep track of and organize information.
||[]<br>[]<br>[[[Image:filename|thumb|widthpx| ]]AdPulse3.png]<br>
|Kevin Kofler & Petr Bouianov
|Pupillary Distance Meter
|An application which measures pupillary distance, i.e. the distance between the pupils of your eyes. This metric is needed while purchasing prescription eye wear.
|Mobile Tactics
|A turn-based, tile-based, multiplayer strategy RPG with no server between two devices.
|Hello Healthy!
|Keeps track of weight, gives tips on fitness, diet, and all around health and tracks daily food intake.
|Car Finder
|An app that allows users to browse and search for cars.
|Car Catalog:
|D&D Character Manager
|An app for creating and managing D&D characters that can dynamically load game rules
| [] <br>[] <br>[] <br>[]
|Traveler's Pal
|This app tracks, records location data so users can use it to tag their photos or keep a record of their travels