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OPS235 Lab 3 - CentOS7

642 bytes removed, 08:33, 28 March 2015
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# Fresh backup of the virtual machines.
= Preparing for Quizzes =
# What is a VG? PV? LV?
# What commands are used to determine VG / PV / LV information?
# What does yum do that rpm does not?
# List the steps to install a package via rpm command.
# List the steps to determine detailed information regarding an install package.
# List the steps to remove a package via rpm command.
# List the steps to install a package using the yum command.
# List the steps to remove a package using the yum command.
# What is the total size of the "main" VG on your system?
# How do you create a LV?
# How do you delete an LV?
# How would you increase the size of the root filesystem by 50 MB?
[[Category:OPS235]][[Category:OPS235 Labs]]